Spirits Beside Us Blog


Raising The Spiritual Awareness & Vibration Of Humanity

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5 Tips To Happiness-Attitude of Gratitude

attitude of gratitude
In this season of giving thanks, I thought it appropriate to focus on the practice of gratitude and how truly powerful that is on your life. In fact, gratitude is one of the primary ways to achieve happiness in your life. It seems everyone is searching for happiness, yet they find it so elusive. However, it's right at your fingertips and requires hardly any effort to attain. That's what makes gratitude, and in turn happiness, so sustainable. I wish they taught this in schools.

Studies have …

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30 Day Challenge for Joy and Positivity

I invite you on a 30 Day Challenge to think only positive thoughts and speak only positive things. Every day, every hour, every minute without exception. When you allow a negative thought to enter your consciousness, YOU HAVE TO START ALL OVER! The clock begins anew.

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7 Steps to Spiritual Living

spirtual living
Have you ever thought, "why am I here?" or "what's my real purpose?" or even "how do I calm down and find peace?" Many people ask themselves these questions at some point in their lives. The more chaotic our lives become and the more stress we experience, the more we seek ways of connecting to something beyond ourselves in an effort to find a balance. We look for ways to improve our spirituality.

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How to Connect: "the Way" in Spirit's Own Words

the way
I again had a desire to let spirit write through me this morning. So, I sat in front of my laptop, went into trance and allowed my guides to give me their automatic writing. I had no idea what they were going to say, but it felt there was an urgency to it. Sure enough, what came through was rather stunning.

"We are here. Give us your hands. Let us get closer. You are weak, so we shant stay long. But we are here with important words so pay close attention to what we say. 

All is not well,…

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