Spirits Beside Us Blog


Raising The Spiritual Awareness & Vibration Of Humanity

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We're Each Here For A Reason

here for a reason
When life gets difficult, or it just seems impossible to carry on we think, "Why me?" Alternatively, we think, "Life is so unfair. What did I ever do to deserve this?" Sound familiar?

Almost everyone finds their life comparatively difficult, with events that give the impression their sheer existence is a constant struggle. Many people find themselves in situations similar to Sisyphus, with an endless stream of struggles. Sisyphus was the Greek king who was punished by the gods to push a bould…

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Spiritual Independence

As America celebrated its independence this July 4th, I thought how wonderful it is to be free from tyranny and oppression and be able to do and say whatever we want (within the law of a civilized society). Yet, in that same thought, it occurred to me that many of us don't allow ourselves to really be free at all.

We feel burdened by our thoughts of inability, lack, pessimism, negativity, and fear. That's not truly allowing ourselves to be free by any stretch.

One thing I've learned from spi…

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Create Your Possibilities

One thing I've learned in doing readings for people and communicating with spirit is never limit yourself. Often, spirit comes through to express their regret that they didn't live their life to the fullest or do all the things they really wanted to do. They allowed circumstances to control them, rather than them controlling their circumstances. From spirit's vantage point in the afterlife, they now realize that because they control their mind, they therefore control what they can do without lim…

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