How to Open Your Root Chakra

In this hectic, highly stressed world in which you live, you probably tend to forget how to calm yourself and bring your life back to basics. Speaking from experience, I sometimes find myself getting caught up in the minutia or getting stressed about events in my life. Can you relate to these feelings of stress and perhaps feel off balance or out of sorts on occasion?
When you feel stressed, unbalanced or out of sorts, this suggests that your Root Chakra may be closed or underactive. What is the Root Chakra or what are chakras to begin with? Glad you asked.
The word chakra originates from an ancient Sanskrit word meaning “Wheel of Light.” The chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC in the oldest text called the Vedas, and later in the Upanishads, which are some of the most authoritative Hindu texts.
In Hinduism and Buddhism a chakra is defined as a non-physical energy center of power. Additionally, chakra centers are situated where the crossing points of energy channels called Nadis meet. Nadis are the conduits in the subtle body through which the life force (prana) circulates.
The chakras, aligned with our spine, are linked to different parts of our body and their functions–from mental to physical to spiritual. Importantly, chakras act as a conduit for the energy to flow through the body. The primary chakra system within the body consists of seven main energy centers, or spinning vortexes of energy.
They act as energy gateways or energy exchange points between their related subtle energy bodies and the physical body via the meridian system, which is responsible for energy distribution. They have a significant impact on our aura, or energy field, and our overall health and well-being.
The Root Chakra is the first chakra, and is also known as the Muladhara. It is located at the perineum, or the base of the spine. Its color is red, and its element is the earth. As it is closest to the earth, its function is associated with earthly grounding, security and physical survival. It controls your fight or flight response. For bodily functions, this chakra is associated with the legs, feet, bones, large intestine, and adrenal glands.
When this is open you feel stable, secure and grounded. If you feel fearful or nervous, your Root Chakra may be under active. Perhaps you might feel ungrounded, unsafe, anxious and in a state of lack. Conversely, if you’re obsessed with security, resist change or are very materialistic and greedy, then this chakra may be over active. It needs to be in balance.
If you find that your Root Chakra is closed or underactive, then you need to open it. The best way to open your Root Chakra is to sit in meditation. Meditation has many benefits. Try focusing on your breathing. Pay attention to the rise and fall of your chest, the movement of your stomach and diaphragm on the in and out breaths, the air passing in through your nostrils and out your mouth.
Allow your breath to find its own natural rhythm. As your breath slows and becomes tranquil, feel yourself calming and relaxing. Maintain this state of calm serenity.
Imagine golden white light filled with love and energy flowing down from above to the top of your head, down through your different chakras and then illuminating your Root Chakra so that it glows a beautiful red. Imagine it beginning to spin faster and expand and open.
Visualize roots growing from your feet and burrowing down into Mother Earth and securing themselves deep into the core of the earth. Feel loving, nurturing energy flowing up from Mother Earth into your Root Chakra and taking away any unwanted energy that resides there, and neutralizing it to be recycled for later use.
You can also use an affirmation by repeating, “I am safe, I am grounded….” This will help you center your energy, feel comfortable and at ease. Try breathing calmly as you say this affirmation.
Other ways to open your Root Chakra include crystals and essential oils. You can use Hematite, Black Onyx, and Smoky Quartz, or you can try Vetiver or spikenard oil.
Whatever you do, it’s essential that you improve your behaviors. Try self-soothing, taking time to engage in psychical body experiences like eating hearty meals. Getting enough sleep and walking in nature, for example.
Some of the best ways you can open your Root Chakra include grounding practices like walking barefoot in the grass, leaning or sitting against a tree or communing with nature. These practices will definitely help you feel more at ease and more balanced.
Try these different methods and see what works for you. When you find something that works, keep doing it. You’ll love yourself for it.
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Tags: calm, grounding, energy, meditation, non-physical senses, shift focus, happiness, appreciation, satisfaction, living spiritually
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