Terms and Conditions

By using this website and/or services, including this website, blog, social media, private sessions or public demonstrations, you agree to not hold MontClairMedium, Chris Lippincott or any of their affiliates liable for damages of any kind including, but not limited to, lost profits, lost savings or other incidental, consequential or any kind of special damages that may occur from following any ideas shared in their blog posts, newsletter, social media, website content, private sessions or public demonstrations, or with the use of any free or paid work that is shared (blogs, podcasts, ebook, e-courses, private sessions, public demonstrations, etc.). MontclairMedium is a subsidiary of Glossarium, L.L.C., a limited liability company registered in the state of New Jersey, and claims all its legal protections afforded it.

Information on this website and received in any readings of any kind is provided in a good faith effort to help comfort, inform and spiritually connect, and is for educational purposes only. Use your best judgment, for you are responsible for your own actions. Any purchases of services or products are considered 100% non-refundable once the transaction is complete. For third party sales: neither MontClairMedium nor Chris Lippincott are liable for any transaction that takes place on a third party site. 

1. Terms of Use

All of the information provided on MontClairMedium's website, membership site, blog and from any readings of any kind is meant as a resource, and is for educational purposes only. While it is hoped you enjoy the content, you are responsible for what you manifest with what you read or hear from any information you receive. You are reading, listening and here at this site on your own free will, and likewise receive mediumship readings of your own free will. What you do with the information that you receive from Chris Lippincott, this website, its contents, any of MontClairMedium's employees or from any readings of any kind is completely your decision.  

2. Copyright Policy

MontClairMedium © 2024. All rights reserved.

This site is protected by copyright. No part of this website or its contents therein may be reproduced except in the case of brief excerpts that share a link back to MontClairMedium.com. If you would like to license the work on this website in a magazine, in a book, or otherwise commercially or non-commercially use the material from the author on this site, you or a registered agent must contact chris@montclairmedium.com to obtain written permission along with a use agreement. 

3. Hold Harmless

As stated in the terms and conditions, all the information provided on this website, blog, social media, in private sessions or public demonstrations in any way related to MontClairMedium, Soul Growth Circle or Chris Lippincott is for educational purposes only. MontClairMedium, Soul Growth Circle and Chris Lippincott do not dispense any medical advice, personal counseling, personal therapy or legal advice. Their sessions are not a substitute for professional counseling, personal therapy, medical advice, legal advice or your own common sense. You can not sue MontClairMedium, Soul Growth Circle, Glossarium, L.L.C. or Chris Lippincott with anything that you do or don’t do with the information you receive, for you are always responsible for your own actions. Talking to Spirits, just like talking to anyone at all ever, can be a risk - and it’s important that you are aware of that.

Readings are a form of experiment. No claims are made and results can not be guaranteed as anything can happen during a reading. Please understand there are no guarantees who may come through to communicate. If the loved one you wished to hear from does not come through during a reading, this does not mean they do not love you. It simply means that day was not the right time or the medium was not the right medium for that loved one. The medium's aim is to try give evidence of survival of loved ones in spirit. Any life choices you the recipient make must be your own as you take full responsibility for you own life path. Always trust your own instincts first.

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Neither MontClairMedium nor Chris Lippincott will not use your personal information for placing you on a spam list. If you sign up for the newsletter from MontClairMedium, you’ll get a minimum of one (1) email a month for that newsletter and then perhaps 1-2 blog posts during the month when new articles are released. Keep in mind though, we are not responsible for any of the privacy practices of any of the people who advertise on our website - who may collect cookies from your web traffic. This is normal and happens everywhere on the internet.  Remember to clear your cache after every browsing session. Read more about my privacy policy at https://montclairmedium.simplero.com/privacy-policy.

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While we don’t plan on it, we reserve the right to change the focus of our website or any of it's pages, shut it totally down and quit or change the terms of use at any time.

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This website may, from time to time, accept forms of advertising, sponsorship, guest posts, and affiliate links.  When present, they support our mission of helping, comforting and spiritually connecting others in need.  This site abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received will not influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this site. That content, when placed, or the advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content, when and if it happens. 

Neither MontClairMedium nor Chris Lippincott are not often compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics, but when they are - we mark it. If or when the owner(s) of this site receives compensation for posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. No negative reviews are ever published and we do not publish advertising content we would not also use and believe in. The views and opinions expressed on this site are purely the publishers' own. This site does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest to readers or viewers. 

8. Code of Ethics

MontClairMedium and Chris Lippincott strictly operate by a firm code of ethics. Read more about our spiritual code of ethics at https://montclairmedium.com/ethics