Spirits Beside Us Blog


Raising The Spiritual Awareness & Vibration Of Humanity

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Cultivating Joy And Purpose In Life With Lee VanZyl

where joy blooms

I love speaking with my mentors about their spiritual journey. I was able to do that when I interviewed Lee VanZyl, a former lawyer from South Africa turned evidential medium and healer, who shares her journey of discovering mediumship and the importance of evidence in her work. She discusses the influence of her daughter and her father, who was also a medium, in her development. Lee emphasizes the naturalness of mediumship and the need for more evidence-based practices. She also explores the ri…

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Harnessing The Healing Power Of Joy With Fred Kluth

healing power of joy

In this difficult world we all live in, we seem to forget about how important living a life filled with joy really is. As adults, we've also grown far too serious and have suppressed our inner child, which further stifles the joy in our lives. In this episode, I really dig into this concept when I interview Fred Kluth, a healer and spiritual counselor who helps people create a life of joy and abundance.

Fred discusses how he helps those going through a midlife awakening, helping them tap into t…

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How To Receive Spirit’s Love and Guidance

Heart chakra hi vibration

How many times have you allowed yourself to get caught up in the negative news cycle or the bickering in the office or perhaps at home? Perhaps you’re minding your own business, but something seems to drag you into an environment filled with animosity and spite. 

How often have you noticed that negative events in your life seem to cascade one after another, with an ever increasing adverse impact? You focus on the problem you’re experiencing and all of its ill effects, and then soon it seems ano…

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How Love From Spirit Supports Your Spiritual Growth


How often have you ever been walking along the road or doing something mindless and started to either think something to yourself or speak it out loud, and suddenly be surprised that you felt or even heard a nearly silent or intangible response? 

Your ego mind tries to brush it off as just your imagination, but you know it’s something more than that, because the response you felt was so subtle, so soft, so caring and so perfect in that moment that it couldn’t have been just your imagination.


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How Loving Others Accelerates Your Spiritual Development


The other night I was out to dinner with some friends at a nice Italian restaurant. Wouldn’t you know it, but soon there were all these other patrons who seemed to get loud and obnoxious and really began to annoy me. As a spiritual person, what did I do? Not what I should have.

I felt the anger welling up inside of me as my ego mind made it a battle of “them vs me.” I tried to focus on my friends at dinner, but my ego mind just wouldn’t leave it alone. By the end of the meal, I was exhausted fr…

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Love Yourself to Accelerate Your Spiritual Development

love is all you need

Finally, the month of love (February) has arrived. Despite the colder temperatures, the concept of love seems to warm you up. You just need to allow yourself to focus on something you probably crave way down in your heart…LOVE. Given recent global tensions, love would be a welcome relief, wouldn’t it? However, in your busy life, it’s more than likely just forgotten about. 

One of the most important aspects of your spiritual growth is learning how to love yourself, the inner spirit, the “True Es…

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7 Meditation Types and Their Benefits

meditation types

Meditation has evolved to become a large part of the wellness landscape, and many are exploring this practice.

In this article, I invite you to join me in unraveling the latest and most impactful meditation types. As we delve into these practices, we’ll not only discover the transformative benefits they offer but also explore the contemporary language that resonates with the mindful seeker in today's dynamic world.

So, fasten your seatbelt as we navigate the currents of meditation, blending an…

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10 Steps To Improve Your Meditation

improve meditation

Often I’m asked, “What’s the best way to meditate?” or “How can I meditate better” or “How can I concentrate when I meditate?” These are common concerns that crop up. Consequently, they often cause well intentioned people to abandon their efforts to start a meditation practice. Today, I’m going to give you some practical steps on how you can improve your meditation practice. 

Be Consistent 

We often push aside their meditation in favor of trying to complete things we feel “should” be done. Oth…

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