How to Quiet Your Mind With Mindfulness Meditation

We’re All Human
If this is happening to you, then welcome to the human race! You’re a conscious, sentient being, and as such your conscious mind is always on, always thinking. Consequently, you sometimes feel at the mercy of your thoughts, not in control of your thoughts.
This can lead you into a state where the volume of your thoughts gets so loud, you become over anxious and rather panicky. The speed of your thoughts seems to accelerate and you feel like you’ve somehow lost control.
As a result you can’t seem to think straight, pay attention or feel open to calmer, quieter, higher vibration thoughts.
Remember Your Daydreams
Try to recall your days in grammar school. Remember during the final month of the school year, when it was warm and sunny outside, and summer vacation was right around the corner? What did you tend to do? Where were your thoughts?
I, for one, was constantly gazing out the window. I was always imagining myself outside playing, running around and enjoying the sunshine. I wanted to be anywhere but that boring classroom. I just allowed myself to daydream.
As soon as I did, my mind left the classroom, even though my physical body was still there. I also left behind all my cares and worries. Of course I sometimes got into trouble that way too…”Mr. Lippincott! Are you still with us?”
The point I’m making here is that all you need to do to quiet your mind, suppress your cares and squelch your worries is to become a child again, the way you once were. Step back into that creative, imaginary state of being as you used to all those years ago. Allow yourself to daydream. You probably do this now without even realizing it.
Mindfulness Meditation
When you daydream and allow yourself to think about far off visions and imaginary scenes, you’re actually meditating without realizing. More specifically, you’re conducting a mindfulness meditation called a visualization meditation.
Mindfulness meditations allow you to focus your mind on one thing (breathing, a mantra, etc.) and let your thoughts float away. You can easily do this with a visualization meditation that is similar to just daydreaming.
Try This Visualization Meditation
Imagine yourself walking peacefully along a beautiful field of deep green grass on a warm, sunny spring day. Along your walk you see a low stone wall in front of you with a partially open white gate. You press open this gate, and beyond the white gate is a beautiful garden filled with flowers on all sides. Smell the aromas; see the riot of colors; see the gentle bumble bees pollinating the flowers.
Beyond the garden is a forest of tall pine, oak and maple trees that are gently swaying in the breeze. The tops of the trees are so close that they create a canopy of leaves. Listen to the rustle of the breeze in the leaves and the sounds of the trees swaying gently side to side. Through this canopy the sunlight shines down from above in sparkling rays of golden light. As you walk along the forest on a soft path, you see small chipmunks, squirrels and bunny rabbits.
Soon you come to a clearing. In front of you and slightly below a hill upon which you stand lies this majestic dark blue lake that stretches for miles in every direction. Beyond the lake are more pine trees and then enormous snow-capped mountains made of rock that soar into the sky and touch the clouds. Because there is no breeze, the deep blue water is as calm as glass and perfectly reflects everything around it like a mirror.
You down walk towards the lake, dip your toe into the water and to your delight find that it’s as warm as bath water. Realizing no one else exists for miles in this paradise, you disrobe and allow yourself to fall into the warm water and just float like you’re in your bath at home.
Soon you find yourself becoming surrounded by a golden white light that descends from above that comes to you and holds you tenderly and lovingly. You feel unconditional love, total acceptance, and complete perfection. You realize this is Source energy, but also that there is a reflection of who you are inside. You too are perfect.
After communing with this energy for as long as you want, the light slowly recedes and leaves you to reminisce about your experience. You eventually swim back to the shore, dry off, put your clothes back on and rest on the beach at the lake’s edge. Welcome back.
This is a meditation that will quiet your mind, bring you peace, calm, tranquility and placidity. As a result, your mind will be focused and quiet, allowing the more subtle, softer, quieter, high vibration thoughts to become present. All you need to do is push your loud, overactive, conscious mind to the side for a while to allow this to occur. Once you do, amazing things will open up for you.
If you are interested in listening to different guided meditations, I have a series you can try here.
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Tags: meditation, meditation benefits, mindfulness, mindfulness meditation, guided meditation, benefits of meditation, body mind soul, transcendental meditation, how to meditate, morning meditation, living spiritually, loving kindness meditation, stress reduction, heart health, anxiety meditation.
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