How to Connect with Spirit: Putting it All together
What you really want is the entire experience, the full McGillicuddy, the entire enchilada. How in fact DO you put together everything you’ve learned so far? This way your connection with spirit becomes so meaningful it takes your breath away. You need to operate from your heart center, and feel the love emanating from your soul, and blend with the love of spirit. This powerful energetic bond becomes a thing of beauty.
Most importantly, remember we are all just beings of energy temporarily housed in a material shell so that we may experience specific lessons we came here to learn. Since we are spirit incarnate, it therefore stands to reason that we can very easily communicate with other spirits who also want to connect with us. It just requires us to open our hearts and minds beyond what we’ve been raised to understand, to a greater reality past our current comprehension.
This may sound like an impossible task, but I assure it is not. Simply close your eyes for a moment and feel yourself floating out into the great beyond, the distant universe. What do you feel, what do you hear, what experiences are you having, where do you go, who do you meet?
Do you notice that in fact you and everyone and everything around you remains just as real and concrete as you are in your material world right now? The true YOU, your inner you has never changed. It’s just the outer shell that has fallen away. You are now experiencing what it feels like to let your spirit soar, to be free, to express itself in ways that you previously hadn’t thought possible. This is your inner spirit that is connecting with the spirit world all around you.
When you KNOW you are spirit and you realize that you’re actually SHARING the spirit world, communicating with spirit doesn’t seem so hard after all, does it? Now just begin to employ the different methods you’ve previously learned for spirit communication and let the thoughts blend with yours. Allow them to connect with you. Open yourself to their love and wisdom. If you invite spirit in with love and reverence, then you will receive the most wonderful communications from people still alive beyond the veil.
Isn’t it funny how we think we here in the material world are the “woke” ones. We think because we can see, touch, hear, taste and smell that we are wide awake and that we must therefore live in the “real” world. Isn’t that a bit of hubris to say we are everything and nothing exists beyond our physical senses. How many things can you think of that defy mankind’s physical experiences?
I can’t see, touch, hear, taste or smell gravity but I sure know it’s there (thank God!). How about ultraviolet light? I can’t see it, but I sure know it’s effects if I’m in the sun too long! How about ultra high frequency sounds? I can’t hear them, but I sure know when dogs hear them.
Putting all your abilities together requires you to step outside yourself, know yourself as spirit and become one with spirit. Most importantly, become one with The Great Spirit and you will charge yourself with the most beautiful spiritual power that will help you maintain your mediumistic connections and improve your mediumistic practices. This is done with the wonderful meditation called “Sitting in the Power.” Use this meditation to help you more closely connect with spirit.
I hope this series of articles about learning how to connect with spirit brings you wonderful new experiences and opens new horizons. If this is something you’d like to further explore, please reach out to me or go to my mediumistic school, MontClairMedium School of Psychic Arts. Perhaps look at the Beginners Mediumship course or the course How to Develop Your Intuition and Psychic Senses.
P.S. If you think your friends would benefit from this article, please share it with them.
Tags: spirit, soul, God, Source, meditation, non-physical senses, living spiritually, spiritual experience
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