How to Open Your Heart Chakra

So many people comment they wish the world could be more filled with a sense of love. How can we reduce the hatred and animosity in this world and increase the feeling of loving kindness? While it may feel like a tall order, the concept is actually quite simple. Not surprising it centers around your heart and your heart chakra.
In Hinduism and Buddhism a chakra, as part of the chakra system, is defined as a non-physical energy center of power. Additionally, chakra centers are situated where the crossing points of energy channels called Nadis meet. Nadis are the conduits in the subtle body through which the life force (prana) circulates.
The chakras, aligned with our spine, are linked to different parts of our body and their functions–from mental to physical to spiritual. Importantly, chakras act as a conduit for the energy to flow through the body. The primary chakra system within the body consists of seven main energy centers, or spinning vortexes of energy.
They act as energy gateways or energy exchange points between their related subtle energy bodies and the physical body via the meridian system, which is responsible for energy distribution. They have a significant impact on our aura, or energy field, and our overall health and well-being.
The Heart Chakra is the fourth chakra, or Anahata, located in the center of the chest, which is associated with the color green. Its element is air. This is the center of true love, compassion and spiritual growth. It is the bridge that connects the lower physical chakras and the upper spiritual chakras, as well as our lower and higher energies of our being. This chakra is associated with the heart, liver, lungs, thymus gland, the immune system and blood circulation.
- Open, you are compassionate, loving and kind.
- Over-active, you may suffocate people with your love (possibly for selfish reasons) and may have poor emotional boundries.
- Closed, or under-active, however, you may be heartless, ruthless, cold and distant.
If you find that your Heart Chakra is closed or underactive, then you need to open it. The best way to open your Heart Chakra is to sit in meditation. Meditation has many benefits.
- Breathing. Try focusing on your breathing. Pay attention to the rise and fall of your chest, the movement of your stomach and diaphragm on the in and out breaths, the air passing in through your nostrils and out your mouth.
- Calm Breath. Allow your breath to find its own natural rhythm. As your breath slows and becomes tranquil, feel yourself calming and relaxing. Maintain this state of calm serenity.
- Light in your Chest. Visualize a bright white ball of light in your heart begin to expand and fill your chest. Feel that light as the spark of the Divine at your core and the light illuminating from it is your spirit within. See that light fill and illuminate your entire body.
- Send Light to Entire World. See your light expand to your room and then be sent to cover the entire globe. See all of humanity being touched and filled with your light and the love that emanates from it. Your light and love shines upon the world.
- Raise the Love in the World. Feel the level of love around the globe dramatically increase as your love uplifts all who live upon the earth. Understand your love as loving kindness that gets received by each person and sent out again to everyone else in turn.
- Loving Kindness. Feel this loving kindness continue to spiral upwards and as a result, remove all hatred and animosity.
2 Burn Anahata Incense and Essential Oils
- Essential oils
- Candles
- Incense with scents of rose, lavender, sandalwood, orange, and jasmine
3 Repeat Positive Affirmations About Love
- I am open to love
- I forgive myself and others
- I love myself and all human beings
- I have an open heart
4 Healing Stones With the Vibrational Love Energy to Attract Love Energy
- Rose quartz
- Jade
- Green calcite
- Green Tourmaline
- Green aventurine
5 Recite Mantras to Shift Energy Toward Love
- Compassion mantra
- “Om mani padme hum”
- Help to focus meditation
Try these different methods and see what works for you. When you find something that works, keep doing it. You’ll love yourself for it.
If you’re interested in different meditations, click here.
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Tags: chakras, healing, love, energy, meditation, non-physical senses, shift focus, happiness, appreciation, satisfaction, living spiritually
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