How You Can Connect to the Divine with Your Crown Chakra

More recently, I’ve been noticing many people seeking a greater awareness as they become frustrated with their current reality. One thing I hear often is “There must be something more than where we are now.” As you reach beyond you, are you beginning to feel more in tune with nature and aware of your surroundings?
What’s another way you can more efficiently connect with all that is beyond? Perhaps the best way to connect to the Divine is to open your crown chakra or Sahaswara. Located at the very top of the head, and often associated with the color purple or violet and thus called the Purple Chakra, your crown chakra is the source of enlightenment and spiritual connection, or connection to Source Energy. This chakra enables unification of the Higher Self with the human personality.
The Crown Chakra is associated with greater Spirituality:
- Spiritual Will
- Inspiration
- Unity and Oneness
- Divine Wisdom
- Idealism
- Selfless Service
- Perception Beyond Space and Time
- Continuity of Consciousness.
The Crown Chakra is associated with the pineal gland, cerebral cortex, central nervous system and the right eye. Blockages will result in negativity, loneliness, depression, nightmares, confusion, lack of inspiration, alienation and hesitation to serve.
The Purple Chakra is in charge of the following areas in your life:
- Enlightenment
- Self-Realization
- Awareness
- Life Purpose
- Fulfillment
- Consciousness
True opening of Sahaswara means the realization that you are pure awareness. You are pure consciousness, undivided, and all expansive. Like a drop in the ocean, you are a part of that ocean that contains and encompasses every aspect of it. These are some concepts often attributed to Buddhist or Hindu traditions.
Practicing meditation, prayer, and daily silence are disciplines that lead to increased moments of spiritual connection. In fact, these are the only means by which you will experience the essence of Sahaswara. Just as you would go to school for hours a day and study for exams to obtain a degree, you might obtain a spiritual degree through your studies in meditation, prayer, and sitting in the silence.
Once you’ve established a daily practice of these activities that connect you to universal consciousness, you’ll see expansion of spiritual awareness in your outer world. You’ll begin to experience unconditional love on a more consistent basis. You’ll be more compassionate, kind, and forgiving, and will show more humility. Life will no longer be solely about you and your desires. Your life will become more about serving others because when you serve others, you are serving yourself.
The following are a few techniques for balancing and opening the purple chakra:
- Meditation
- Visualization
- Silence Exercise
- Affirmations
- Yoga
- Crystals & Gemstones
- Time in Nature
What Causes an Imbalance in the Crown Chakra?
Crown chakras may get blocked as a result of emotional distress caused by accidents, losses, or disputes. Additionally, stress, worry, and fear are also major causes of dysfunctional crown chakras.
When blockages gather in this energy point, the flow of energy via the crown chakra is disrupted. These blocks upset the body’s balance and equilibrium, ultimately resulting in sickness, and also mental and emotional issues.
Common Questions About the Crown Chakra:
What function does the crown chakra serve?
This chakra is mostly about connection and change on a spiritual level. It uplifts and inspires you, establishing a connection with Source Energy/the Divine/the Great Spirit/Universal Consciousness/God. Opening the crown chakra helps you realize that you are truly a spirit being living a human existence, not a human being living a spiritual experience.
What is obstructing the crown chakra?
Stress, disease, mental distress, or conflict may all contribute to chakra blockages or imbalances. All seven chakras are interrelated; when one chakra becomes blocked or out of balance, it has an effect on the others.
What is the proper way to cleanse and activate my crown chakra?
Maintaining a connection to the breath while doing asanas (poses for meditation and yoga) assists in the release of tension and the opening of the head chakra. Lotus or half-lotus, savasana, or tree pose are all examples of meditation positions. Mindful breathing is one kind of meditation that might assist in quieting the mind and opening the head chakra.
What occurs when your crown chakra is activated?
When the crown chakra is activated and functioning properly, you will feel calm and tranquil, even under duress. Make smart, prudent judgments. feel a profound connection to all living things.
Try these different methods and see what works for you. When you find something that works and helps you connect more deeply to the Divine and spirit, keep doing it. These are all different ways to help you both activate your chakras and develop your Psychic Senses.
If you’re interested in learning how to develop your intuition and psychic senses, click here.
If you're interested in getting some free meditations, click here.
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Tags: Enlightenment, Self-Realization, awareness, consciousness, unity, divine, spirit, spiritual connection, chakras, energy, meditation, mindful breathing, living spiritually, service
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