How You Can Connect With Spirit-Part II
In my last article, I discussed perhaps the strongest way you can connect with spirit, namely clairsentience. As a refresher, clairsentience enables you to truly feel the personality, character traits and the full essence of the communicator. You can connect so closely that you feel like the communicator is right there in the room with you…for in fact they truly are next to you sharing your space.
Today, I wanted to add another tool in your toolbelt. I’ve discussed this clair previously, but it bears mentioning again–this time in the context of connecting with the spirit world. This is clairaudience. Clairaudience, as you might remember, is your ability of “clear hearing” using your “mind’s ear.” This is a subjective sense and one that can be drowned out by your loud, logical mind if you’re not careful.
Imagine clairaudience as that incredibly subtle, virtually silent voice in your head that you hear sometimes. How often do you dismiss it as your own thoughts or your own mind? How often do you allow that tiny voice to get overwhelmed by your conscious mind? How often do you realize that what you heard through your clairaudient faculty was something that you should have followed?
Sometimes clairaudience sounds like someone else’s voice in your head and you think that it’s just a memory cropping up. The difference is that when you hear that little voice it’s often fleeting, sporadic, comes in fast staccato partial bits and always leaves you wanting more. You won’t hear full sentences or even full phrases, for they’ll be broken up like a bad short-wave radio connection.
However, the beauty of clairaudience is that once you better develop your ability, the evidence that comes through can’t be misinterpreted, just as if someone was standing next to you and talking. It’s not like clairvoyance where you’ll see an image and that image might be symbolic for several different things simultaneously. After you fully develop this clair, you’ll hear words and phrases more often and they’ll make sense this time.
Ways To Improve Your Clairaudience:
- Meditate
- Imagine a steam train pulling into a station
- Think of a baby crying
- Listen to chopsticks playing on a piano in your mind
- Imagine the sound of a chain saw cutting down a big tree
- In your mind, hear the sounds of rain falling onto a tin metal roof; a bamboo roof
- Imagine the sounds of wind blowing across a snowy plain in wintertime; fields of grass in summertime
- Listen to the sound of slow drips of water into a well far below, complete with the echo
These are just a few of the many examples you can use to stimulate your clairaudience and your mind’s ear. The more you allow yourself to get more sensitive to the sounds around (especially practice this outside), the stronger your clairaudience will become.
Importantly, when you begin to hear that little voice in your head, listen to it this time. Don’t let you loud, conscious mind speak over it and drown it out. It might have some valuable advice for you that if you’re not listening to you’ll miss.
I hope these bits of advice help you on your way to gain a closer relation and connection with the spirit world. Remember, spirit is always by our side and often trying to interact with us. It’s us humans that need to wake up.
Watch for my course Spiritual Development Academy to open enrollments.
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Tags: psychic senses, spiritual awareness, psychic, medium, clairaudience, awareness, consciousness, unity, divine, spirit, spiritual connection, chakras, energy, meditation, mindful breathing, living spiritually, service
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