Many people have asked me what my experience has been being a medium or how I knew I was one in the first place. Some assume I just "knew" or I'd alwa…
I always tell clients that a mediumship session is like a 3-way energy cocktail. This requires a strong, positive, loving energy mixture from all part…
People often lament that they desperately miss their loved ones, which is perfectly understandable and is a normal human reaction. However, I have com…
When people go sit for a mediumistic reading, they often aren't entirely sure of what they're going to get. Sometimes they're hesitant, thinking the m…
Below is a reading list I compiled that is very helpful when trying to understand the afterlife. This includes academic studies, near-death experience…
Many people who lose a loved one feel as if they will never see or hear from that person again and feel that this life is everything we have. A large …