Recently, I had the beautiful experience of bringing together a woman and her deceased mother for a moving and transformative spirit communication.
In Teresa's reading, we brought through her adoptive mother who was quite expressive, specific, and a wonderful communicator. Her mother showed herself clairvoyantly at first and I could see she was quite animated. She soon leaned in close and gave me the feeling that she was a person who liked or needed to control the home and the family. She really made me feel that she had to control Teresa and made a reference that it was similar to corralling a reluctant horse or bucking bronco into its stable.
Her mother also provided wonderful remote viewing and shared memories. She showed me that she loved to sit in her soft recliner (at a 45-degree angle to their fireplace) with her feet up and read a book. She showed me her kitchen and a small room with a small window between the kitchen and living room (which she showed me had a special loveseat with rough brown fabric).
She also showed me memories of her entire family gathering at Christmastime to decorate the tree in the corner of the living room that always turned out to be a big affair, with lots of celebrating. The book she loved reading turned out to be a very important book to her with many important pieces of paper placed in it. This turned out to be a family bible that had special significance for Teresa.
What I found so special about the reading was the transformational impact it had on Teresa. It brought together both Teresa and her mother and helped validate for Teresa that her mother is still with her and loving her. It also brought her a sense of peace, happiness and hope. This is why I'm a medium.
Q: What was your prior exposure to spirit before the session?
A: I always had a strong connection to spirit through spirituality. However, I hadn't met many mediums I was able to work with or who were able to read me. It seems my guides would always protect me from people who weren't pure-hearted. This was particularly true after my near-death experience. I couldn't really find any mediums who could connect with me.
Q: What were your prior experiences with mediums before the session?
A: Most weren't able to connect with my spirits and family members on the other side. I felt most were unscrupulous or phony. For example, I once went to a supposedly "great" medium who was very expensive, but she didn't pick up a thing for me or my friend.
Q: How did you feel before the reading began?
A: Despite my prior skepticism, I was open to the reading because I just felt it was going to go well. I saw your picture and I seemed to be drawn by your energy. My guides told me you were "safe." I went in with an open mind and felt you were full of peace and compassion. I felt a connection with you, which I found interesting since I typically don't trust many people.
Q: How did you feel as spirit was making itself known to you?
A: I was happy and excited because I finally met someone who was able to connect to my loved ones in spirit. You got great information that was very specific about my mom that you could never have known. Once that began it was obvious she began to open up more and more to you. with additional information. My relatives usually don't come through to people they don't trust.
Q: How did you know what spirits were coming through and they're real?
A: You were giving me specific information about my mom. For example, you described my mom sitting in her recliner in front of the fireplace at an angle reading a book, but everything was in detail and specific. You also began to talk about her bible and everything that was in it and how important it was. There was no way you could have been that specific if it hadn't been real and my mom was talking to you. No one knew that stuff. Then you described how she felt she had to "corral" me into something like a barn--that was significant because she always made reference to that and it fits my sign.
Q: How did your feelings change over the course of the reading?
A: I really felt more peaceful and in touch with spirit and my dead relatives on the other side. I felt connected with spirit. I really felt my mom's energy and her white light come over me. I kept my arms and legs uncrossed so I could remain open to spirit. I began to feel more hopeful and more happy. I got validation to progress in my life and that I'm on the right path, which gave me hope.
Q: Did you receive any special messages from your loved ones?
A: When you described my mom sitting in her recliner near her fireplace in detail in her living room reading her bible, that blew me away. I nearly fell off my chair when you began talking about how my mother felt like she needed to "corral" me into a stable because I was like a reluctant horse. That was so specific, it was precise and there wasn't any way you could have known any of it. That hit home because I was a fiery spirit when younger.
Q: What was the most meaningful part of the reading?
A: Definitely the horse analogy. That was just unbelievable and so perfect! it was crazy. It totally described my relationship with my mom to a tee.
Q: How would you compare your views of mediumship before and after?
A: The reading validated for me that others CAN connect with the other side for real. Now I feel that mediumship is given to those people who are real and genuine on the inside.
Q: What have you learned or taken away from this reading?
A: It helped me be able to believe in mediumship more. Now I feel happier. I'm able to believe also that there are good people in the world, and now I'm opening up to others again. This reading brought more trust and it increased my hope about people. I'm happier for the experience and now I'm able to even progress with my book!
I hope this helps people see not only the transformative love that spirit brings with it to our lives but also how close spirit can be when it draws near.
When a loved one passes from the physical to the non-physical, they're not leaving us, they're just changing their energetic form. I always use the example of the butterfly: the caterpillar doesn't crawl into its cocoon and die--it emerges transformed as an even more beautiful butterfly. From crawling on the ground to flying away into space. Remember, we're not human beings having a spiritual experience, we're spiritual beings having a human experience.