"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience."--Wayne Dyer
Most people walk around daily and feel anything that happens to them is attributable only to their physical bodies or minds and nothing more. The majority of us have difficulty believing that there is anything beyond this life, and many don't know their purpose for being here in the first place. We often encounter difficulties because we're so focused on ourselves and this life that we can't see the bigger picture. But what if we had a different perspective?
Our experience seems limited by our view of our world and is often summarized by the saying "You see what you believe." In Plato's Allegory of the Cave, for example, three prisoners have lived their lives chained to a cave wall, facing a wall. They watch shadows projected on a wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind them and see them as real people. These shadow-people become their reality, for they know nothing else. One prisoner escapes from the cave, goes outside, and learns that his previous reality was not reality at all. When he returns to inform the other prisoners about the true nature of reality that he has seen, they refuse to accept it, for this is beyond their comprehension.
Plato had great insight, for this allegory fits perfectly with our view of reality on earth. Most of us prisoners on earth see the physical universe as the true reality, for we have known nothing else. Yet the countless communications with spirit who have returned to describe a dramatically different existence than one we're used to demonstrates a greater reality we need to acknowledge. Furthermore, these well-documented and endless interactions show proof of survival of consciousness and the broader reality of our souls.
Most people see our bodies as the dominant being (think of it as the primary outer circle), with our soul as our energy (small inner circle) and our spirit as our spark (tiny inside circle). Yet the reality is in fact reversed. Our spirit is our dominant being (pictured as our primary and controlling outer circle), followed by our soul (smaller inner circle), and lastly our physical body (which is a tiny aspect of our being compared to our broader, all-encompassing spirit). We need to see ourselves as larger spirit beings housing physical bodies within.
As spirit has described, we return to physical existence from the spiritual realm so that we can learn new lessons that will help our spiritual growth. The difficulties we experience in the physical are more challenging than in the spirit world, and consequently, we gain greater insight and learn faster than we might otherwise do. We cycle through the physical many times and our larger existence is in the non-physical reality.
If we consider ourselves spiritual beings, then we realize we are capable of so much more. We can love more freely, forgive more readily, act more compassionately, interact more harmoniously, bring peace to our reality, all the while fueling our spiritual growth. If we change our reality to understand that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, then we transcend our physical limitations and broaden our capabilities. See yourself as spirit and expand.