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The Human Subtle Energy System-Part I

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While we may look at our physical body and think we extend out only to our skin, in fact, our body as defined by our energy field, or aura, extends far beyond what we can see with our physical eyes. Photos of auras have been captured using Kirlian photography (which uses high-voltage metal plates) showing the energy system extending out up to several feet. The physical body is just the center of multiple layers of subtle energies that exist at different vibrations or frequencies. Each layer of the energy field connects to the physical body through the Chakras, which are spinning vortexes that draw in energy.

Below I briefly summarize the Chakras as described in ancient texts. In the next post (Part II) I'll describe the subtle Energy Bodies that correspond to each Chakra.

This subtle dynamic energy system of our body facilitates our consciousness, rules our capabilities of thinking, emotions, activities, and memories. In fact, these bodies facilitate spiritual growth and transcendence to higher levels of consciousness. As a result of our subtle energy bodies we truly exist as spirit, both while in the physical and while in the non physical. In fact as we pass into spirit, our energy body releases the physical body like a snake sheds old skin. Many consider the death process to be the Etheric body (the first layer) disconnecting from the Root chakra to begin its journey to the spiritual plane.

The Chakras

The word chakra originates from an ancient Sanskrit word meaning “Wheel of Light.” The chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC in the oldest text called the Vedas, and later in the Upanishads, which are some of the most authoritative Hindu texts. In Hinduism and Buddhism a chakra is defined as a non-physical energy center of power. Additionally, chakra centers are situated where the crossing points of energy channels called Nadis meet. Nadis are the conduits in the subtle body through which the life force (prana) circulates.

The chakras, aligned with our spine, are linked to different parts of our body and their functions–from mental to physical to spiritual. Importantly, chakras act as a conduit for the energy to flow through the body. The primary chakra system within the body consists of seven main energy centers, or spinning vortexes of energy. They act as energy gateways or energy exchange points between their related subtle energy bodies and the physical body via the meridian system, which is responsible for energy distribution. They have a significant impact on our aura, or energy field, and our overall health and well-being. This is the basis for energy healing, including Reiki, Spiritual Healing and other modalities, which is a topic for another book by itself.


The first chakra is the Root Chakra or Muladhara, located at the perineum, or the base of the spine. Its color is red, and its element is the earth. As it is closest to the earth, its function is associated with earthly grounding, security and physical survival. It controls your fight or flight response. For bodily functions, this chakra is associated with the legs, feet, bones, large intestine, and adrenal glands. When this is open you feel stable, secure and grounded. If you feel fearful or nervous, your Root Chakra may be underactive. Conversely, if you’re obsessed with security, resist change or are very materialistic and greedy, then this chakra may be overactive.


The second main chakra is the Sacral Chakra or Svadhisthana, which is located near your public bone. Its color is orange, while its element is water. This chakra is related to sensuality, sexuality, the desire for pleasure and feeling. It is associated with the reproductive organs, bladder, spleen, kidneys and the legs. It represents the “liquids” of the body, i.e. blood circulation, urine production and elimination and sexual body fluids. When this chakra is open, your feelings flow freely, you are open to intimacy and are passionate. If this is over-active, you can be manipulative, controlling, lustful and addictive. When this is closed, you tend to be stiff, unemotional and are not very open to people. At worst, you can be co-dependent, a martyr, submissive and don’t feel anything.


The third primary chakra is the Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura, located near your diaphram. Its color is yellow, and its element is fire. This chakra is related to will-power, motivation, assertiveness, joy, vitality and your desire to express your own individuality. It governs the ability to judge, form opinions and create thoughts. Similar to the meridian system, this chakra is responsible for energy distribution and the regulation of metabolic energy throughout the body. Regarding bodily functions, it is associated with the pancreas, stomach, liver and gall-bladder. When this is open, you feel in control with good self-esteem. When this chakra is under-active, you may feel timid, disliked and indecisive. However, if it is over active you may be egotistical, domineering and possibly overly aggressive.


The fourth chakra is the Heart Chakra or Anahata, located in the center of the chest, which is associated with the color green. Its element is air. This is the center of true love, compassion and spiritual growth. It is the bridge that connects the lower physical chakras and the upper spiritual chakras, as well as our lower and higher energies of our being. This chakra is associated with the heart, liver, lungs, thymus gland, the immune system and blood circulation. When this chakra is open, you are compassionate, loving and kind. If this is over-active, you may suffocate people with your love (possibly for selfish reasons) and may have poor emotional boundries. When this is under-active, however, you may be heartless, ruthless, cold and distant.


The fifth chakra is the Throat Chakra or Visuddha. This is located in the throat and associated with the color light blue. Its element is sound. This chakra is the center of communication, self-expression and creativity. The Throat Chakra is associated with the thyroid gland, throat, upper lungs, arms and digestive track. When this is under-active you may be introverted, shy, quiet, lack faith and unable to creatively express yourself. Conversely, if this is over-active, you may be willful, controlling, judgmental, have hurtful speech, you may speak too much or be a bad listener.


The sixth main chakra is the Third Eye Chakra or Anja, which is located on the middle of forehead about an inch above the eyebrows. Its color is indigo, and its element is light. This is the home of intuition, spiritual vision, insight and “the mind’s eye.” This is associated with perception, knowingness, wisdom, imagination and self-mastery. This chakra is also related to clairvoyance, intuition, visualization and governs spirituality and the inherent need in humans to search for the meaning of life. The Third Eye Chakra is associated with the pineal gland, the pituitary gland, lower brain, left eye, nose and the ears. The opening of the third-eye corresponds with spiritual awakening. If this is under active, you may not be very good at thinking for yourself, tend to rely on set beliefs too much, have unclear thought or be deluded and may be rigid in your thinking. If this is over active, however, you may be overly analytical or intellectual.


The seventh chakra is the Crown Chakra or Sahasrara, located at the top or crown of the head. Its color is violet, while its element is thought. This is connected to spirituality and self-enlightenment. It is also called “the open door” or “open window.” This chakra enables unification of the Higher Self with the human personality. It is associated with spiritual will, inspiration, unity, divine wisdom and understanding, idealism, selfless service, perception beyond space and time and the continuity of consciousness. The Crown Chakra is associated is the pineal gland, cerebral cortex, central nervous system and the right eye. Blockages will result in negativity, loneliness, depression, nightmares, confusion, lack of inspiration, alienation and hesitation to serve.


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