Yet what did we really do with our day? Where did it go? How did we spend our time? Were we more self-centered on our own problems or did we try to help our neighbors and those that needed help? Did we go play golf or see a ballgame, or did we go feed a homeless person with nothing to their name? Imagine if suddenly you have no concerns in the world, and you could do anything you wanted. What would make you feel the best deep inside, down to your core:
A) Would you go out every night partying to excess, buy expensive things, constantly travel the world and live lavishly like an opulent king?
B) Or would you instead spend your time trying to help others, getting them needed food and water, putting a roof over their head, etc?
Which set of actions shows more care for others or follows the words that Jesus said, "...love thy neighbors as thyself."? That's easy to figure out.
We, as spirits having a human experience, know deep in our soul that love is the energy that bonds us together, now and forever. This is as true when we are little children as it is when we are in our final years on this planet. This is also true when we escape our temporary shell of a body and become part of the thriving spirit world. Nothing changes, just the vehicle containing that consciousness that chooses to focus on love. Love is the highest energy in the universe, and like spirit and consciousness it can never be created or destroyed, it just changes form.
What does this have to do with spirit visiting us? A lot, actually. Spirit is a lot like the person in the story above who no longer has a care in the world and can do anything he wants. Spirit of course has no constraints. They don't even have an ego to weigh them down with selfish or personal concerns. As a result, most spirit people are full of love and care deeply about others. It is this wider perspective that inspires spirit to seek continued education on the other side to learn more about love, how they can expand it, how it will help their spiritual journey, and how it will help them get closer to God.
A great deal of spirits' activity on earth relates to their love of mankind and their love for their loved ones left behind on earth. They are often with us in an effort to express how much they love us. While spirit is often around us, we just need to be aware of their presence, trust that they are here and surrender to their love. They want to help us and guide us, though due to the Law of Freewill, they aren't allowed to interfere in our lives except to alert us to their presence. I wrote in detail about signs spirit is trying to connect with you in the How Spirit Makes Itself Known. Just because a person has passed into spirit doesn't mean they've lost their love for us or are not aware of us. On the contrary, now they're far more able to express their love for us than they ever had been and want to let us know how much they love us.
Take for, example, the grumpy father who always seemed to be in a bad mood and was negative about everything and everyone around him and never had a good word to say about anybody (describes a lot of people we know today doesn't it?). He doesn't hurt anybody, he's just an ill-tempered man who can't get along with anyone because of problems in his life. Of course, he loves his children and his wife, but he is always in such a foul mood that he can never express it. He's what you might call a grouch.
Now what do you think happens when he moves on to the spirit world (let's assume a heart attack in his 50's)? Because his ego/self-centered focus has been left behind, all that's left is the realization that love conquers all. In fact, upon arrival to the afterlife, our grouch is lovingly welcomed by those who've arrived before, many of whom he knows. He is showered with love, which he accepts freely, and the joy he feels is unsurpassed from any of his earthly memories. He realizes he has entered a land of pure joy and love that emanates from everyone and everything that flows like a river without end.
His perception of existence dramatically changes for the better as he realizes he can be just as loving as all the other beings around him, for love is infectious that way. It's a pleasant change for him and something he wishes he had been able to do back while he was on Earth. He realizes he should have been so much more loving to his family, his friends, his neighbors and even to people he didn't know. He deeply regrets not being more loving to people and not expressing how much that he did truly love them. He knows this would have made them feel so much happier at the time.
Try as he might to get his family to hear him, see him or in some way notice him, it's to no avail. He realizes that as a spirit his vibration is so much higher than the physical human vibration that he can't be seen, heard, touched, felt, or sensed by his family. So after learning from other spirits that he could communicate with his family through a medium, he gets very excited and gets this setup through various spirit guides for the family. These guides train and prepare him how to communicate with the medium and give him specific instructions that will make the session productive.
The day arrives, the evidential part of the communication goes well and he's finally able to give his message. He expresses how sorry he was that he didn't say "I love you" enough in life. Because his personality hasn't changed, he hesitates when he mentions that he loves his family. However, with some effort, he fully expresses his total and complete love for his family. He regrets the fact that he was always so foul-tempered and grumpy. He also regrets that his temper ultimately had a negative effect on the children and the entire family. This scenario is actually typical of many readings I have with families where the loved one in spirit comes through and expresses their regret that they didn't love their family enough and they want to say how much they truly do love them, now that they have the chance.
This man's love for his family finally had a chance to come through because his perception had grown wider and lessons were learned. He had never lost his love for his family, he just had difficulty expressing it. However, in the spirit plane, he learned tremendous lessons and gained a wider understanding that helped him fully express the love that was deep inside him all along. We never lose love, it only changes form. But our loved ones in spirit are our best mentors to demonstrate that we should love everyone.