How You Can Meet Your Own Joy Guide & Bring Love Into Your Life
Everlasting LIfe·Chris Lippincott·Nov 1, 2019· 8 minutes
I wrote last summer that I had finally met my Joy Guide after getting frustrated that I hadn't met her yet. I mentioned that I would discuss how you too can meet your own Joy Guide, which I'll do below.

First, however, why do you think it is so important that we each meet our Joy Guide? Think about the everyday world we live in, its constant conflicts, partisanship, disagreements, social unrest, high divorce rates, an opioid overdose crisis, an increasing teen suicide rate, the list goes on and on.

We seem to live in a world of unrest and unhappiness bordering on depression. Is this a state we want to live in? I think everyone wants to be happy and searches, sometimes in vain, for the magic elixir to cure their ills. I know the stresses of everyday life weigh heavily on people, including financial strain or job loss, relationship or marital problems, health issues, and loss of loved ones, just to name a few.

Yet it's important to take a step back for a moment and take a look as if you were a distant observer of your own life (an interesting exercise I can assure you). For every heartache you may have, others have similar pains as you do. Also, realize that there are certainly others who have problems that are much worse than yours, so you should consider yourself lucky. Consider your life from a relative perspective, and the picture becomes much clearer. 

Furthermore, we are all here on this earth school to learn from our experiences, for we are spirits having a human experience. We come to earth to grow our spirit, and the only way we can do that is by experiencing challenging conditions.

Think back to your college days...didn't you learn more from the difficult courses than you did from those that were too easy? The same holds true in life on earth. It's no wonder it's called the "school of hard knocks."

The trouble many people seem to have is where they choose to place their attention or focus their energy. You can choose to pay attention to all the negative things in your life like loud neighbors, horrible traffic, mounting bills, mean/unfair bosses, health concerns that don't seem to go away, a spouse who just doesn't understand you, etc, etc. OR you can focus on the good things in your life (even if they're small) and think about things like the beautiful day outside recently, a warm cup of coffee, a relaxing weekend, perhaps an adorable pet, family and friends, etc, etc.

This will put you in a "happy place" much faster. If you like Monty Python, watch the movie Life of Brian and take the attitude of the criminal who's being crucified at the end of the movie who's singing, "Always look on the bright side of life....". Not only will this put you in a better mood, but it will get you thinking that it's better to find what's going right in your life rather than what's going wrong. 

 It's important to realize that "What we think about we bring about," or as Buddha said, "All that we are is a result of what we have THOUGHT." The thoughts that occupy our minds are so powerful, they manifest into reality in our lives. It's up to each of us to create our own happiness, which is something we can certainly do. For those interested in an academic study about happiness and how to manifest it in your own life, I highly recommend the book The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky, available on Amazon.

So what is a Joy Guide and why do we need one?

Typically our Joy Guide is a loving Spirit Guide who has agreed to stay with us and help us throughout our physical journey in this life. They contracted with us when we were preparing to incarnate into this life so that we might always find happiness even in the worst of times. They're an uplifting source of energy that tries to boost our spirits when we're feeling glum or make us feel even better if we're just sort of "Ho-Hum." They help us enjoy our physical life and bring opportunities in our path that help bring feelings of happiness and love. The best part is we all have them, as they are a member of our inner circle of spirit guides who stay with us our entire life.

Joy Guides more often than not appear to us as a young child (often a little girl), symbolizing youthful energy, innocence, happiness, joy (obviously), fun, bubbly effervescence, etc. Imagine all the traits of a happy young child, and that is your Joy Guide wrapped into a package. Think of Tinker Bell, Peter Pan, or any other young happy fantasy character and you begin to understand what a Joy Guide can do and what it does.

We need a Joy Guide in our life to help us focus on the positive things in our life, to realize the joy of being alive, and appreciate the gift of life. Since it's so easy to fall into a slump and just focus on all the negative things going on around us or to us, we need a wholesome pick-me-up that will help us "...look on the bright side of life."

Although we don't remember it because of spiritual amnesia, the spirit world is full of love and joy and happiness, sort of like heaven...oh wait that IS heaven! Our Joy Guide is beside us to help us not lose sight of that reality and bring a little bit of heaven into our life.

While many people may find this difficult to accept or prefer to take the materialist view instead, they are more prone to lacking true and lasting happiness in their lives than those who accept the love of spirit. For spirit is love

How do you meet your Joy Guide?

For me it was when I had been focusing on distinguishing between my guides and searching for the feeling of joy and happiness to find my Joy Guide. It was then I clearly saw her in my mind's eye as a smiling little girl with blond hair with her hands stretched up to the sky, and I heard her shout, "Yay!" My recommendation to you would be to conduct a "Sitting in the Silence" meditation as follows: 

  1. First, sit and relax in a comfortable straight-backed chair with your hands on your legs, palms up in a receiving fashion. Begin to calm your breathing and focus your attention on your inhalations and exhalations. Do this for several minutes until your breath becomes slow and relaxed. You can ask your spirit helpers for loving protection or you can just think thoughts of loving kindness that surrounds you and protects you in a beautiful bubble of protection. You can also say a prayer that is meaningful to you. Do whatever makes you feel safe.
  2. Next, after you are calm and focused, bring your attention to your heart space and see in your mind's eye a small ball of soft, glowing white light. As you focus your attention there, notice the white light begins to brighten and grow and finally fill up your chest space.
  3. See this white light slowly expand to fill your entire body and realize this bright white light filling your interior is actually your glowing spirit within you.
  4. Your white light of spirit has no boundaries, so you can see it easily expand beyond your body to fill the entire room in which you sit.
  5. Next, send a beam of loving, white light from your spirit up to the heavens to reach out for the spirit world.
  6. As your light goes up and out, you are met halfway by the Love That Knows No Bounds in a ray of golden light that comes down from the heavens to envelop you tenderly and lovingly. It comes down to envelop your entire being with love and encircles you, protects you and empowers you. You are overcome with a bliss you have never known and a divine love that is all-encompassing and all accepting.
  7. Feel your entire body begin to tingle with warm energy and know that you are loved by spirit.
  8. Thank spirit for this beautiful meeting between two worlds and feel the joy and happiness that wells up inside you. As you do, start thinking about your Joy Guide and ask to meet them. Your joy and happiness and love will attract your Joy Guide to you. Begin to imagine what your Joy guide might look like (this stimulates your creative mind and clairvoyance) and you may be able to feel or see them if they chose to reveal themselves to you.
  9. If you don't meet them on your first sitting, that's totally normal and quite fine, so don't get upset. Just keep trying to meet them with this meditation. Once you are in a good mindset and they are ready, you two will meet. Just always be in a loving frame of mind, for love attracts positive spirit.