In these times of uncertainty, fear, and worries about how "the system" is not able to protect us, we should instead be focusing on ourselves and our inner reserves. Last night I was conducting a Trance mediumship reading and what came through was so profound that I felt I had to share it with everyone.
Below is a transcript from two different communicators:
"I wear armor, not to protect myself from others, but to protect myself from myself. I am strong, not that I have to be strong but that is my inner strength. You too need inner strength.
You do not need physical armor, you have your own armor. Use that armor. Use that internal armor that is within you. Use your internal strength to make you robust. Know that you have that strength. Call on those inner reserves the way a general would call on his reserves in a battle.
You have reserves of energy. You have reserves of strength. Call them up when you need them. Now the time is at hand. Use your armor, use your shields. Focus on your inner strength. Most of all, continue your energy. Now your energy is most important.
You have an external enemy, but you also have an internal enemy. If you allow your internal enemy to win, you allow the external enemy to walk right through your doors. Make sure you know what your internal enemy is. Make sure the internal enemy has been defeated first and then you can focus your energies elsewhere. Apply this to what you are experiencing now, for that time has arisen."
And second:
"You are all so quizzical, asking each other questions, day by day, yet the answers sit in front of you. You do not even realize that the answers sit before you. You search so far away. Realize that the answer is not far away, the answer is within your grasp. You seek that which is so profound.
Relax and understand that all is well. Because everything is simple, everything will be quickly understood. Don't look for the complex, look for the easy. Make everything simple and the answer too will be simple. Make it complex and the answer will be complex.
They say Rome was not built in a day, but it was. It started out small. It started out simply. It started as a simple village. Don't look at the vast complex that we know of. Look at the little village it started with. It was already there. Keep it simple and you will understand what the answer is.
How do you begin a long journey? With the first step. So you must take your first step to begin your journey. Likewise with the questions. Keep the questions simple, and the answers too shall be simple. Do not make it profound. Keep your life simple and it shall not be complex."
I hope these wonderful messages that came through in trance will in some way help you in these unsettling, uncertain, and unprecedented times.