How to Heal: Focus on Love-Advice from Spirit
In Spirit's Own Words·Chris Lippincott·Aug 27, 2021· 4 minutes
I was inspired to sit in trance for automatic writing with spirit this morning and was surprised by what came through. I found it moving and full of fundamental truths for more spiritual living. Spirit wanted to discuss disease, healing and love as well as humanity's need to open itself to Universal Love. 

"You are in a good state today. Come, let us try again for this is much needed. We feel you have been away too long. But this can be rectified, no worries of your head. 

We wish to discuss the topic of disease. There are so many who are so worried about the diseases that float through your world this day. Certainly, there are concerns that are legitimate as always this does exist. But we fear much of this has become too much for many to handle. There is an existence of fear that itself is breeding the disease. 

Think of the word "disease" itself. Does it not break up into two separate yet equally important words, dis-ease? People these times are not at ease in any way. This gets worse as time progresses. People need to seek peace and harmony within themselves and find the sanctity of their own soul and raise their spiritual connection with the one Source that can energize them and lift them up. They need to feel and know His Love and Blessings that will cure anything. 

We can help with our love and healing, but it is through one's own connection with the Great Spirit that people can heal themselves. 

Of course, there are also many who do not believe in the Universal Energy no matter what name is attached to this. God or the Father or whatever has been named is something people cannot grasp. They must firmly know their loving Father is with them always as are we. We cannot heal nor can the Father heal if they do not allow themselves to open up to this love. How can a sheep get fed if it does not walk to the trough? How can a cow receive its oats if there is no bin in which to eat? 

Mankind must allow itself to connect to our love and to the Godhead's love, for otherwise it will never receive the love and will continue to get sicker. 

Much of this is belief and the removal of fear. For it is known that fear causes and contributes to the formation of disease itself. Look at one's own biology to find this. You are all such finely tuned machines that have established mechanisms to heal yourselves, that you believe you can do this yourself. Yet when you see that it is not working, you panic and feel the end is nigh. 

What you lack instead is in fact the critical element of love that is at the source of everything. Love truly is the answer. 

We wish to say more, but your energy is fading so we will come again soon. 

All our love and blessings. Keep your love and blessed work up.

Your Team"

I found that this was a wonderful message for us all, and it laid out some action steps we can take to improve our own healing. 

  1. We need to seek peace and harmony within ourselves in an effort to calm and reduce our own fears.
  2. We need to raise our personal connection to Universal Energy which can bring us all the energy and healing power we need.
  3. We must open ourselves to Source Energy's love, just like we did with our own parents. We must feel this love in our core to heal. Allowing and creating that connection offers the benefits.
  4. When we allow love from spirit and from Source Energy to fill us, our fear subsides and we can open ourselves to the healing that love brings. This sounds similar to something I posted last year.

I hope this helps everyone and brings some perspective on our place in the world. 

Tags: Love, Healing, Spirit, Source Energy, God, Fear, Disease, Peace, Harmony, Calm, Spiritual Living, Soul