What I always find so remarkable during readings is spirit's ability to bring through their love to the recipient, no matter what the circumstances may have been before their transition. Upon their transition into the nonphysical, spirit learns that love is the fabric of the endless tapestry of the spirit world. From this enlightened perspective, spirit then can share this knowledge with us and help us heal with its transformative love.
We must take this knowledge, that love is the fabric which bonds everything together, and practice it in the physical. Love can begin with simple gestures of kindness and thoughtfulness. it doesn't have to be extreme or difficult. It can be as easy as making a nice comment to someone, putting a smile on someone's face, holding a door open, getting a newspaper for a neighbor, getting a cup of coffee for the stranger behind you, sending kind thoughts to those in need, and more.
If each of us pays this forward and contributes a small amount of kindness or consideration to the world, our world would be a very different place. Gone would be the strife, chaos, animosity, feelings of separation, and resulting sickness like COVID-19. This follows the Golden Rule: treat others as you would have them treat you. Though it may feel like a difficult thing to do or seem rather meaningless, it actually requires little effort but has a huge positive impact on the recipient.
In fact, remember the last time you did something nice for someone? It didn't feel difficult for you, but the impact was far greater for the person on the receiving end. Conversely, think of back when you received a random act of kindness. You were probably pleasantly surprised and thought about it most of the day.
These loving thoughts and actions help us grow spiritually and expand our soulful understanding. Think of it as making deposits into you spiritual bank account. The more loving actions you offer, the more deposits you make. This helps grow your spiritual bank account and your spiritual growth.