Soon, however, we begin to feel that perhaps we might be a bit more alone than we previously thought as we realize our journey is slightly different than everyone else's. Sure we may have others working together with us on that project, but we have special circumstances that make that project just a little more burdensome for us than it is for others.
Maybe we have a medical condition that is so difficult, surely no one else can fathom what it's like to be in our shoes. Maybe we have a financial hardship that makes us feel no one else can understand.
At every turn, it seems no one is actually inside our lives with us. We are, in fact physically all alone. We often feel that no one else can walk in our shoes, for we are different than everyone else. Despite all those islands surrounding us, we are still just that sole island alone in the big cruel ocean.
While we give platitudes to the saying that no man is an island, we certainly feel that in fact we are that lone island.
How many times have you felt like this, that no one else could understand exactly what you were going through or could possibly understand how difficult your life has become? There is nothing wrong with this, for we're all human.
This is our ego skewing our perception that it's us against them; us against the world. Our ego makes us feel that we are individual, unique and need defending from outside dangers.
However, we're not alone, nor are we separate from anyone or anything. We are all made from the same energy, the same Source Energy. We all have within us the God spark that illuminates us and enlivens us. We are all connected as we are all products of our creator, and as such are all related. It is only in our minds that we are separate.
Anything we do to another, we in fact are doing to ourselves. When you yell at someone, for example, you're yelling at yourself. In fact you can feel this. After yelling at someone else, while you may feel a release, this doesn't make you feel happy--just the opposite.
You retain the anger and negative feelings you had previously. Conversely, do a kind or loving act for another, and you feel as if someone had done a kind or loving act for you. You feel the impact of your actions on other people. You are definitely connected to others.
The same is true with your relationship with Divine Source Energy. Not only is this everywhere, but you are an integral piece of it. Source Energy, or God, or whatever name you want to attach to it, is everywhere and is within you. You have never been alone, for you've always had God within you.
Remember the instances you thought you were alone and in utter frustration you shouted out at the top of your lungs, expecting no response? However, you felt something outside yourself, an energy, a feeling that made you feel like a presence you couldn't explain? That was your Creator, Divine Source Energy, God, Source, or whatever.
This energy, this love is always with you, is within you, is part of you, just as you are part of it. You are always heard and you are never alone.