Below is what spirit communicators told Joseph:
"This is a global challenge to see if all the souls on the physical plane can learn to work and come together for one purpose. This is the time to put cultural, economic, and religious views aside and work as one.
Only in unity and in the realization that we are all connected and come from the same source can you overcome. For too long, there has been a separation of all of the souls in the physical world. This situation has been put forth to see if all of the children on earth can work together.
Only when you see that when one suffers, we all suffer, can you heal. Rejoice, GOD would never want you to fail or put something forth that you couldn’t overcome. A new order is approaching and we have the faith that humanity can rise up to the challenge.
We are helping as much as we can. Of course, there is free will so the outcome is still not clear. Go forth with love and compassion. We are all children of GOD."
I found this to be a beautiful comment from spirit about the current events in our world and how we can work to solve them. This is a wonderful goal for which we should all strive.