The Spirit Within
Spiritual Living·Chris Lippincott·Aug 2, 2021· 4 minutes

It's easy to focus on what we can experience with our physical senses. But what happens when we expand our horizons to look beyond what we can see, hear, or touch? 

Consider gravity. We can't see, hear or touch gravity, but we experience its effects daily. The same is true with ultraviolet light. We certainly know the effects of UV light from the sun, even though we can't see it with our human eyes (the spectrum is beyond our capabilities) or hear it with our ears. 

Hundreds of years ago we thought the rest of the planets and the sun revolved around the Earth; then we learned in fact that we all revolve around the sun and we're even revolving within our galaxy that revolves around other universal bodies. Quite a dramatic change from what we "knew" to be true so many years ago.

When we begin to think about what's beyond our physical senses we realize that there is clearly more than meets the eye. As Quantum Physics has shown, 99.999....% of existence is empty space that contains only energy. Thus we are all essentially just energy vibrating at different frequencies, rather than the dense matter we perceive ourselves to be. 

Furthermore, our surroundings are also just energy, so that hard chair you're sitting on is not so solid after all. Quantum Physics has also shown us that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. With that in mind, when the illusory "solid" human body ceases to function, what happens to all the energy that composed it? Does it just dissipate as some might suggest or is there something else occurring? Does our consciousness just end?

To answer that, let us contemplate what our "REAL" being truly is. Close your eyes for a moment, and just have a silent conversation with yourself. Now think back to your 7-year-old self. When you compare your current self and your 7-year-old self you find there really is no difference. In fact, there is no difference in the self whether your 7 or 107. 

That's your consciousness, your inner self, your spirit, and that never changes regardless of your physical age. Your consciousness is in fact timeless, for that's your inner spirit. This shows that we are all truly spirit. As Wayne Dyer said, "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spirit beings having a human experience." How true. I wrote about our energetic bodies in The Human Subtle Energy System Part II.

It is this spirit being within our temporal bodies that allows us to act more lovingly in the physical as well as connect with our higher selves and the spirit world. For example, how would you treat a beggar on the street if you realized you were both just spiritual beings, each on your respective paths and learning different lessons? Suddenly your perspective of the other person might change from a filthy homeless man to a spirit full of love trying to have different experiences from which to learn. 

You might change your perspective of yourself from a person trying to get to cope with a busy day to a soul seeking to spread love everywhere it can upon the world. As a result you might just stop to speak with the homeless man, perhaps help him out in some way and maybe express some kind words. Not really a lot to ask when you think about it. Miracles aren't the herculean feats you might imagine. In fact they're the small every day occurrences that matter. 

This same spirit within can help us to connect with our own higher self and those in the spirit world as well. As we focus on our spirit within, we become more focused on the here and now and in turn become much more aware of our surroundings and the fact that everything is alive with energy. We are able to hear the subtle voice of our own higher self and our guides as we just slow down. 

Most importantly, we also open ourselves up to the realm of spirit and its love for us as we continue on our journey of learning here in the physical. Spirit hears our thoughts and feelings and knows what we need and for what we yearn. 

As we open ourselves up to the spirit world, we truly open ourselves to its transformative love and healing that those in spirit so badly want to give us in our human existence.