Spirits Beside Us Blog


Raising The Spiritual Awareness & Vibration Of Humanity

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How to Connect: "the Way" in Spirit's Own Words

the way
I again had a desire to let spirit write through me this morning. So, I sat in front of my laptop, went into trance and allowed my guides to give me their automatic writing. I had no idea what they were going to say, but it felt there was an urgency to it. Sure enough, what came through was rather stunning.

"We are here. Give us your hands. Let us get closer. You are weak, so we shant stay long. But we are here with important words so pay close attention to what we say. 

All is not well,…

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Love As The Common Thread

common thread
During readings, the one thing spirit always comes through with in abundance is love, for that is the strongest energy that connects us all. Love is the highest vibration in existence and generates a never-ending bond. Love is so strong that regardless of the relationship or how things were left before passing, as long as love existed, that comes through loud and clear in all readings.

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A Bigger Mission From Spirit

Recently I felt like I was virtually hit over the head by the spirit world and called on a mission. I'd received a particularly wonderful review from a woman who'd gained a tremendous sense of peace from a mediumship demonstration I gave previously. However, this woman's testimonial really shocked me, as it proved to me that when I open to spirit as a vehicle for its communication, anything is possible and anyone can benefit.

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Gratitude And Thanks For Our Loved Ones

happy thanksgiving
Life in the physical is not easy, nor is it meant to be. Remember, we're all here in this earth school as spirit beings having a human experience in order to learn difficult lessons to help us on our spiritual journey and with our spiritual growth. If you look at your struggles as lessons, not problems, your life will seem to become just a little less challenging. We should be full of gratitude for the multitude of blessings we have in our lives.

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Spirit's Advice To Improve Ourselves: Love One Another

It seems more people around the world are learning to expand their spiritual awareness and consciousness. In the U.S., we're seeing more mind/body/spirit practitioners offering their services, meditation/yoga/Reiki are all going mainstream, topics once taboo like mediumship and spiritualism are gaining acceptance and people are becoming more aware of their spiritual lives.

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