Yet for all the improvements in global consciousness and spiritual awareness, there remains a silent majority who continue to slumber. Entire swaths of the global population still walk the earth in a dream-like state, as if they are sleepwalking.
In fact, the vast majority of the world still sleepwalks and believes the physical is the reality and the non-linear is the dream. However, spirit constantly reminds us that the reverse is in fact the true reality, that the physical is a bad dream and the non-linear is the awake state and more real than we could imagine, with a oneness with each other and with God. This was also written about in A Course In Miracles, by Helen Schucman.
So many still think that just because you can touch something it must be solid and therefore real. The chair you are sitting on is not solid, but in fact, mostly empty space that also contains small atomic particles like electrons and neutrons. It's similar to stepping back from the universe or a galaxy and saying it's solid--however, from our perspective, we see vast, empty space with some planets and stars interspersed.
Objects, like the chair, that we touch and think are solid and real, only feel solid because it requires extraordinary energy to push together the atoms of the chair and the atoms of your body --more than we can exert. We feel this as resistance and therefore believe that objects are solid. This is one example where our fundamental perception and perspective are off base and lead us to inaccurate conclusions. I wrote about this in a prior blog article, We Are Spirit Beings.
Several times recently I've had the distinct feeling from my spirit guides that all of us who are awake or are becoming awake now have the responsibility to help those who still sleepwalk to awake and see the light--both in themselves and in the greater truth of existence. During some recent trance mediumship development training, for example, I would begin uttering amazing comments reflecting those very thoughts.
In one instance, I stated humanity was developing and awakening at a faster rate, but there remained a huge gap that left behind the vast number of souls in the physical who had yet to awaken. I continued in that vein, pleading that it was now time for those who had awoken to raise up those still in sleep.
In another case, I urged all those in the physical to deepen their love for one another, raise up one another, and help one another. The messages were clear: for any of us to progress we need to help others progress as well. The more we help others, both physically and spiritually, the more we help ourselves. As the saying goes, "We are only as strong as our weakest link."
The deeper I get with my spirit communication and the more spirit writings I read, one theme continues to forcefully present itself. Love is the strongest energy in existence, the power that elevates our consciousness to greater heights, and the primary link between us and the Source Energy.
We in the physical, who are limited in our perspective due to our ego mind, know only separation from Source and from each other. We often feel alone and separate from the rest of humanity, let alone those closest to us. We feel separate from our loved ones in spirit. We feel separate from God. In short, we feel all alone and surrounded by strangers. This is part of the dream state. In fact, we are still part of the Divine for we have the God spark inside us and are all children of God, and in turn are all related. We are all brothers and sisters in a huge loving family, yet our spiritual amnesia prevents us from remembering where we came from and with whom we are related.
Because we are all related and part of one another, what we do to others, we are doing to ourselves. Some call this the boomerang theory, and it has unintended consequences. We may get mad that someone cuts us off in traffic and stay mad about it the rest of the day, which ruins our day and everything we try to do. The anger doesn't help anyone, not even us. It's just a downward spiral of negativity. Furthermore, that anger becomes misplaced when we realize that we are actually getting mad at ourselves, for the person who cut us off is essentially a part of us, as we are all linked together. How can we fix this?
The solution lies in what spirit has been telling us for centuries (including Jesus): "Love one another." Sounds like heavy stuff. Seems like something no average person on the street could possibly manage with all their everyday human stresses and problems, like mortgages, car payments, relationship issues, marital strife, bills, job insecurity, medical concerns, and on and on. Yet do you remember how good it felt when you did something nice for someone? Even something small and seemingly insignificant? While it may have felt good for you, the recipient of your kindness felt 10x happier than you felt. Just think of a time when someone did something nice for you. It was fairly inconsequential to them, but you probably felt great.
Getting back to the boomerang theory again, what goes around comes around. Some also call this karma. Whatever you put out into the universe, you will receive back yourself, either now or later. So if you want to improve how you feel now and also build up positivity for yourself in the future, start doing loving things for others, no matter how small. Furthermore, you'll get dividends for your efforts relative to the amount of positivity you invest. Due to the Law of Attraction ("Like Attracts Like"), you'll start to get more love from the universe when you send love to others in the universe as the positive spiral moves ever upward. I hope this helps you, for it's clear that spirit is urging us all forward to better ourselves and help others improve themselves.