Spirits Beside Us Blog


Raising The Spiritual Awareness & Vibration Of Humanity

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Happy Holidays And Have A Wonderful New Year

happy holidays
I wanted to express my deepest thanks to all my loyal readers. You have made 2019 an absolutely wonderful year. I hope I've been able to add some value for you with any insights I've had along my journey. It feels to me that we are both aligned in an expedition of spiritual growth and healing.

Year-end is often a time of reflection upon the past and outlook for the future. As I look in the rear-view mirror at 2019, I notice an ever-accelerating shift in global consciousness. It seems that many more people have started to look upon their existence in a more holistic way. Perhaps this is due in part to the end of a decade. Maybe mankind is maturing slowly as we go from the "teens" to the "twenty's."

I also find that spirit has been more vocal in its efforts to communicate with us and let us know spiritual truths. Additionally, it seems spirit is enlisting more people as ambassadors, including mediums and healers, to spread its information. As an example, I've heard countless times this year, whether in trance or via automatic writings, that we light workers have a responsibility to help others awake from their state of sleepwalking through life.

As I look into the future, (don't worry I'm not trying to be a psychic and PREDICT the future) I find that these trends should continue. While certainly not a bold prediction, it remains consistent with a longer term trend of mankind becoming more aware of his spiritual nature. Recall, we are all spirit having a human experience, not humans having a spiritual experience.

Since we're in the Christmas season, I thought it appropriate to briefly comment on its implications for all of us, regardless of what religion a person follows. Christ's birth really was the birth of an idea that remains with us today. What I find fascinating about this is how spirit continues to emphasize this same idea in communications with us. Can you guess the idea?

The idea behind Christ's birth is LOVE. Self love, love for others as ourselves, Divine love for us and the universe as love. In the King James version of the Bible, for example, the word Love is mentioned 310 times (131 times in the Old Testament and 179 times in the New Testament). Every time spirit communicates with us in any way, it always expresses its love for us. All spirit authors in their automatic writings, as well as people who have experienced Near-Death-Experiences, have clearly expressed how love is the fabric of the spirit world.

I think it's high time we realize how important love is in our very existence. We should honor it and practice it. We should realize the illusion of duality and separation in an effort to appreciate the reality of Unity. In this way we can begin to practice love of others as ourselves. We will know that loving others is really loving ourselves. Additionally, we'll discover that we are loved by the Divine Source and begin to see we're all Divine under Unity. Wow, that's some heavy concept!

Anyway, I just wanted to wish you a very happy holiday season and a wonderful new year! CHEERS!


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