Spirits Beside Us Blog


Raising The Spiritual Awareness & Vibration Of Humanity

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Ways to Link With Spirit-Anyone Can Connect

link with spirit
Many people come up to me and ask, “Is it even possible to communicate with spirit if you weren’t born a medium?” or “How can I improve my connection with spirit?”

My answer to those questions is emphatically YES! You can connect with spirit! Furthermore, no, you don’t have to be a born medium with abilities discovered at birth. In fact most mediums, for example, don’t realize their skills until they’ve reached their adult years. 

One of the concepts I teach to my students is that communication with spirit is a skill set like any other. It first has to be learned and then it has to be practiced with diligence and hard work. Do you think Yo Yo Ma or Andre Agassi or Itzhak Pearlman just crawled out of their cribs one day and began performing expertly the way we’ve come to know their superior skills?! Of course not. They worked at it.

So how can you improve your connection to spirit or become more spiritual yourself? Perhaps the first and most important thing you can do is realize that YOU are in fact a spirit yourself! We all come to this physical plane or the “earth school” as spirits from the non-physical world. We are just spirits in a material world. 

Consequently, as a spirit yourself, you can successfully communicate with other spirits, whether they’re here in the physical or in the non-physical. Realize that your spirit within is the most important aspect to focus on as you progress along your spiritual journey. Know your spirit within can communicate with all spirit outside you. 

Meditation is perhaps the first and foremost practice you can do to expand your own spirit and spiritual awareness. As an example, I meditated for 12 months every day before I had my spiritual awakening. Of course I had no idea what I was doing, I was only meditating to reduce my stress level. I got so hooked on it that I did it every day for a full year and then “WHAM!” The portal opened and nothing was ever the same again.

The best meditation you can do to raise your spiritual awareness is called “Sitting in the Power.” you can find this on YouTube, all over the internet as well as in my meditation page on my website.This guided meditation helps you focus and expand your mind so that you also increase your spiritual power for better concentration and connection.

Keep your mind open to spirit and what it says to you. We’ve been raised to think that what we feel or hear inside our head is just our active imagination. In fact, you are probably in contact with spirit already but just aren’t attributing your experiences to them. Give the credit where credit is due!

Always think and give out positivity, loving kindness and compassion to others. This will fill your inner spirit with positivity, love and compassion. In turn you’ll attract more positivity and love to you. Any clue who has some of the highest positivity, loving kindness and compassion? You guessed it, SPIRIT! You’ll be attracting loving spirit to you and this will help your spiritual connection.

If you’re interested in raising your spiritual connection, then join me in my next masterclass titled Raise Your Spiritual Awareness and Connection to the Universe in 3 Simple Steps. I’m holding this final class on Wednesday, July 20th at 6:00pm Eastern.

In this free training, I'll share with you the tools and techniques that you can use to accelerate your spiritual development, make a better connection with the world of spirit and help you better find your life purpose.

I’ve packaged it all together in my free spiritual awareness masterclass:

Raise Your Spiritual Awareness and Connection to the Universe in 3 Simple Steps.

This is my proven method to strengthen your spiritual connections, fulfill your highest purpose and make an impact on the world without confusion, distrust or self-doubt. 

In this brand new training I'll walk you through:

  • How to raise your intuition and sensitivity to spirit as you become more aware of energy emanating from your inner spirit, other people, the spirit realm, and the divine.
  • How to focus your mind with the power of meditation so you can achieve a centered and receptive mind with higher levels of mental discipline and greater trust and acceptance for spiritual awareness.
  • How to spiritualize yourself to find your highest purpose and discover ways to live your life in closer harmony with your purpose for a stronger spiritual connection as you understand it.

If you'd like to ask me questions about this masterclass, I'd be thrilled to speak with you personally! Just schedule a call with me and I will answer any questions or concerns about the class you might have.

I hope this article helps you expand your consciousness and also gives you opportunities to do so. 

P.S. If you think your friends would benefit from this article, please share it with them.

Tags: spirit, soul, God, Source, meditation, non-physical senses, living spiritually, spiritual experience


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