What Are Spirit Guides?-Part 1
![use at your own risk](https://img.simplerousercontent.net/scaled_image/12393854/f12416886fb190fee115bca2d8687bf83ec6685a/use-at-your-own-risk-640w-426h.jpg)
Have you ever had that nagging feeling in the back of your head that you should be doing a certain thing, but the feeling is SO subtle that you just ignore it? Do you sometimes hear a tiny voice in the back of your head speaking to you about a topic you weren’t even considering? Have you ever experienced a time when you were urgently compelled to do (or not do) something, but you didn’t know why, and it turned out to be the exact correct thing to do? Perhaps by listening to the subtle advice you avoided an accident.
These are all examples of how your spirit guides work with you on a daily basis. Most people go through life without giving a second thought to the existence of their guides. They either aren’t aware of them or don’t believe they exist. In many cases, people chalk up these unusual urges, suggestions or discussions to their own mind.
They feel they’re in control of their own life and outside participants like guides have no relation with them. This is an example of the ego-mind staying firmly in control and refusing to allow any outside influences to have any say in how their lives are run. All too many times, people refuse to acknowledge suggestions from those outside themselves (whether in spirit or in the physical) and suffer the consequences of not listening to the sage advice that was offered.
However, spirit guides are here to provide advice and direction for both your physical and spiritual life expression.
Spirit guides participate in your life primarily to help you navigate your physical existence and also to help you stay on your spiritual path. Before you incarnated, your spirit drew up a soul contract for different experiences it would encounter on earth so that you would learn and grow. You asked advisors in spirit to help you stay true to that contract and stay on the path you mapped out previously. These advisors agreed to join you as your spirit guides when you incarnated.
Spirit guides are souls who have previously lived numerous physical lives on earth. They know the hardships, difficulties and pain of physical existence. This gives them great insight into how they can help you while you exist on the material plane. They are capable of a level of non judgment, love and compassion that most people can only imagine. Guides have evolved to a point that they no longer wish to incarnate for their spiritual evolution, but prefer to continue evolving by helping others in the physical. Since this is considered important and hard work, all guides are well trained by guides who are more evolved than they are.
We all have a team of spirit guides. Think of this as your own personal “spirit council” that’s always with you and giving you advice on countless topics and experiences. Guides are like friends, but with greater wisdom and unconditional love available.
You receive guides at different ages and stages of life depending on your needs. You have an inner band of five to seven spirit guides that are available to you most of your life, and an outer band consisting of specialist guides you can call on when needed. These specialty guides are similar to specialty contractors that come in for specific jobs. Spirit guides usually fulfill different roles in your life.
You may never know your guides, unless you intentionally seek them out. You must ask to connect with them, and most importantly, you must allow and trust how they are trying to come through to you. Due to Universal Law, spirit is not allowed to interfere with your Free Will. Therefore, unless you seek out a connection with your guides, you may never know them. Connecting with your guides will be another topic that I’ll discuss in a future article.
Depending on your needs, you may have more than one guide working with you at any one time, though you usually have one primary guide who is considered the organizer and leader. This main guide is often referred to as a Master Guide and acts in much the same way as a conductor leads an orchestra. The Master Guide brings different roles or participants into a single cohesive and well-blended unit.
We’ll cover the different types of guides and their roles in next week’s article.
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Tags: spirit, spirit guides, soul growth, soul plan, soul contract, living spiritually, spiritual development
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