Spirits Beside Us Blog


Raising The Spiritual Awareness & Vibration Of Humanity

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Clairvoyance doesn’t come from your own mind or your own thoughts. Instead, the image is generated by another person (typically in spirit). They send you the energetic imprint of the image into your mind. This is called “clairvoyance,” which is based on the French term meaning clear-seeing.

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The Human Subtle Energy System-Part II (Aura)

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The other week I began writing about the human subtle energy system, including the Chakras (in Part I). I want to continue describing this system in Part II talking about the energy bodies. These energetic layers are the primary components to our aura, with which we can feel and interact.

The Energy Bodies

Our aura, or energy field, is an electromagnetic field that emanates from and surrounds our physical body. The aura is composed of seven primary energy bodies that each represent a lev…

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The Human Subtle Energy System-Part I

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While we may look at our physical body and think we extend out only to our skin, in fact, our body as defined by our energy field, or aura, extends far beyond what we can see with our physical eyes. Photos of auras have been captured using Kirlian photography (which uses high-voltage metal plates) showing the energy system extending out up to several feet. The physical body is just the center of multiple layers of subtle energies that exist at different vibrations or frequencies. Each layer of t…

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Can Anyone Contact Spirit?

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Many people think the ability to contact spirit is some type of special "gift" bestowed upon others in some magical way. People often believe those who can communicate with spirit must be unique, different or special. Some less than scrupulous mediums may certainly give that impression or use that myth to their advantage. The truth is much less mystical.

Everyone has the innate ability to communicate with spirit, for we are all spirit residing in a human body for a set period of time. If yo…

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How To Get The Best From A Mediumship Reading

mediumship reading
I always tell clients that a mediumship session is like a 3-way energy cocktail. This requires a strong, positive, loving energy mixture from all participants—recipient, medium, and of course, spirit. The higher and more loving the vibrations from those in physical, the stronger and clearer the communication will be. 

I find the recipient can act much like an energetic battery that provides power for the session. As a result the recipient often becomes the main source of energy for the read…

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What to Expect in a Reading

what to expect
When people go sit for a mediumistic reading, they often aren't entirely sure of what they're going to get. Sometimes they're hesitant, thinking the medium is a charlatan, other times they're so set in their minds that they will only believe the experience is real if they hear a code word or hear from one specific person. All this negativity sets the sitter up for a disappointing reading.

Readings are like a three way energy cocktail. It takes a tremendous amount of positive energy between …

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