How to Receive Spirit Communication Using Meditation
If you feel that your conscious mind is overactive and going non-stop, then you’re in good company, because most people experience this state of mind throughout the day. You may feel like you have multiple thoughts cascading simultaneously, and you wonder how you can think clearly with all this chatter going on.
This is where the power of meditation truly bears its strength and comes to the rescue.
Meditation enables you to quiet that cacophony of thoughts and loud and obnoxious sounds from your conscious mind. Your conscious mind, however, is designed to be loud and get your attention. It acts like the watch officer on the bridge of your ship, maintaining a sharp eye out for anything you need to be aware of.
When something the least bit noteworthy gets spotted, your conscious mind will let you know about it. It’s kept the human race alive as long as our species has existed. That rustle in the bushes that might have been a saber-toothed tiger? Your conscious mind gave you all the information you needed to know instantly and in a VERY loud manner to save your life.
Today your life is less exposed to those types of deadly threats. However, your conscious mind remains ever-vigilant for things you need to know. It still shouts obnoxiously and loudly in your head, even about the smallest things. Humans haven’t really evolved that much over the many hundreds of thousands of years mankind has been around.
The main goal of meditation is to quiet that overactive and loud, conscious mind. You can do this with any guided meditation. Meditation (such as mindfulness meditation) enables you to take control of your mind by focusing on one thing intentionally (perhaps your breathing or a mantra or a visualization). It is this intentional focus that brings you to your center and makes you aware of being in the present moment. While you may have thoughts enter your awareness, they are less obtrusive, and it becomes easier to release them by going back to focusing on your breath.
As you increase your focus, you begin to push away your conscious mind and its thoughts. Since your mind can only hold one thought at a time, your focus takes the place of the random thoughts from your conscious mind. This, in turn, creates a space of calm and quiet. Here, you become aware of more subtle sounds and thoughts that you wouldn’t normally be aware of when your loud, conscious mind was chattering away.
This is the point at which spirit can communicate with you. It’s like a faint whisper that you struggle to perceive. If you had a radio on, for example, you’d have to turn the volume up to 9 (out of 10) and turn off everything else just so you could detect the communication. Without that silence and focused attention, you might not hear the communication. This doesn’t have to be an audible connection either. It can be thought transference using clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognizance or other senses.
When you become aware of thoughts or ideas that don’t seem to be yours or don’t seem to be related to any of your recent thoughts, are barely detectable and very subtle, and arrive in a passive, loving manner you know this is spirit trying to connect with you. Maintain your highly relaxed state which you have achieved with your meditation and allow spirit to connect with you.
This is where the phrase “Trust and Surrender” becomes vitally important. Trust spirit’s highest intentions and superior knowledge, and surrender to the love that it brings. You can do this with meditation.
If you are interested in listening to different guided meditations, I have a series you can try here.
If you’d like to further explore communicating with spirit, please reach out to me or go to my mediumistic school, MontClairMedium School of Psychic Arts. Perhaps look at the Beginners Mediumship Certification Course or the course How to Develop Your Intuition and Psychic Senses.
P.S. If you think your friends would benefit from this article, please share it with them.
Tags: meditation, meditation benefits, mindfulness, mindfulness meditation, guided meditation, benefits of meditation, body mind soul, transcendental meditation, how to meditate, morning meditation, living spiritually, loving kindness meditation, stress reduction, heart health, anxiety meditation, spirit communication.
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