How To Strengthen Your Spirit Connection With Clairsentience
Connect With Spirit·Chris Lippincott·May 22, 2023· 4 minutes
You know how sometimes your feelings can either carry you away or completely take over any rational part of you, despite your best effort. The same can be said of your emotions, for they too are extremely powerful. Both your feelings and emotions are so powerful that they will always overrule any other sense you have.

As a result, you can use your feelings and emotions (non-physical senses) to create an extremely powerful connection with spirit and paint a beautiful picture of a communicator as they reach out to you. These powerful non-physical senses enable you to practically paint back to life the communicator in a way no other modality can.

I spoke about this non-physical sense on my last Spirits Beside Us-Live simulcast (Wednesday, May 17th). This is the modality of clairsentience.

By using your clairsentience, you can paint a much more detailed, complete and specific description of the communicator who is trying to describe themselves. They are trying to tell their life story through emotions, feelings and character traits. 

When you use your clairsentience, pay attention to your feelings about whether the communicator is:

  • gregarious or reserved; 
  • upbeat or mellow; 
  • humorous or serious; 
  • strong or moderate; 
  • controlling or allowing; 
  • organized or random; 
  • family-oriented or not; 
  • outdoorsy or preferred indoors; 
  • worked in an office or worked outdoors; 
  • charitable or selfish; 
  • thoughtful or not; 
  • Independent or group-focused. 

All these descriptions are just examples of the millions of possibilities for ways that a person can be described. Think of all the ways you might describe yourself, your loved-ones, your relatives or your friends. These are helpful exercises you can use to begin to exercise your clairsentience “muscle.” Like anything else, the more you exercise it and use it, the stronger it becomes.

One way to exercise it is to pay attention to your instinct, AKA, your “gut.” The reason it’s called your gut instinct is because your clairsentience is actually located in your solar plexus, near your stomach. Whenever your solar plexus begins to react or become energetic you feel it in the region of your stomach/gut. Hence the “gut instinct” or clairsentient reaction. You can also do this while meditating

Your “gut instinct” is really your clairsentience modality firing and telling you all the information you need to know. How many times do you get that “gut instinct” firing and informing you about something, but you don’t listen? However, it’s always accurate isn’t it? 

You kinda felt like you should take an umbrella, but ignored that feeling and came home sopping wet. You got a weird feeling that you should take a different road to work today but weren’t sure why, so you ignored it. Turns out that had you listened to it you would have avoided terrible traffic or an accident. If you’d only listen to your instinct/clairsentience, your life would be so much better off. You’d also be exercising that modality and improving your connection with spirit. 

Spirit is always trying to reach us, communicate with us and guide us, especially our spirit guides. If you’d only open your awareness to their presence, the spirit world could offer their help and love so much more easily. 

If you’d like to learn more about your psychic senses and ways to connect with spirit, you can so below:

Develop Your Psychic Senses

Mediumship Certification Program - Level I

P.S. If you think your friends would benefit from this article, please share it with them.

Tags: communication, mediumship, spirit, connection, psychic, clairsentience, meditation, meditation benefits, mindfulness, mindfulness meditation, guided meditation, how to meditate, morning meditation, living spiritually