What You Can Expect in a Reading
When people go sit for a mediumistic reading, they often aren't entirely sure of what they're going to get. Sometimes they're hesitant, thinking the medium is a charlatan, other times they're so set in their minds that they will only believe the experience is real if they hear a code word or hear from one specific person. All this negativity sets the sitter up for a disappointing reading.
Readings are like a three-way energy cocktail. It takes a tremendous amount of positive energy between the medium, the sitter, and the spirit to make the connection work well. Think of it from the spirit's point of view, if you can. They have found a medium they can finally work with and are just as excited to get their message through to you as you are to hear from them. After all, they're still quite alive on the other side and they are just jumping at the chance to speak to you. Can you imagine what they would feel like if you go to the sitting and basically say, "prove it to me spirit." How would they feel?
The best way to approach a mediumistic session is to come with an open mind, a loving heart and no expectations for what should happen. Spirit will never disappoint us and will often surprise us in the most astounding ways. They will give us proof they are still with us, still see us, hear our thoughts, approve of our decisions, and above all they will share how much they love us or may ask for forgiveness. For spirit learns profound lessons on the other side and sees existence in completely new ways.
A good evidential medium will never ask you for information other than for you to confirm what they're receiving with a simple yes, no or I don't understand. Furthermore, a sitter should never volunteer more than yes, no or I don't understand. A good medium sets out over 90-95% of his information as a way to build evidence of the existence and continuity of life. Only the final 5-10% would be a message of love, forgiveness or approval. The message should not be confused with the evidence.
The sitter should demand evidence that is incontrovertible and something the medium would have no way of knowing. Don't settle for anything less. For example, if the medium brings through information your deceased father approves of what you have done with his old den, goes on to describe it in detail, yet you know the medium could not know anything about it, then THAT is evidence spirit is still with you. Just saying "your father sees what you did in the house and he likes it" is definitely NOT evidence. The sitter should always demand the more strict detailed evidential information from the medium. Even better evidence would be information that ONLY you know about. Spirit has lots of tricks up its sleeves to gets this evidence through.
Another issue that occurs frequently, is sitters go to a reading and only want to hear from one person or get one code word. If they don't hear that then the reading is seen as a failure. That's the kind of negative energy that disrupts the delicate flow of the reading and can cause the energy to sag and make any connection weak, distant and unbelievably difficult. Often times, the desired person may not come through due to spirit's own reasons. Sometimes they're not ready or they're busy doing something else or maybe they see the sitter's not ready. You can't demand a spirit person show up at a set time or place any more than you can a real live person.
The same holds true with code words. Just because you want your dearly departed to reveal your secret code word, doesn't mean they will. If the medium has brought through a tremendous amount of evidential information, yet you don't get the secret code word, don't count the entire session as a bust. Looking at it realistically it was probably very good. However, too many sitters set themselves up for disappointment by putting such a high bar on the reading that its quite easy to miss the expectation.
While it is good to be wary of con artists preying on the emotions of the bereaved, try not to close down so much that you close the energy for the reading itself. As I mentioned at the beginning, the sitter is a vital piece of the energetic puzzle and should try to contribute to the building of the sacred energy so they can hear all the loving pieces of information and healing that spirit has to offer. For at the end of the day, a reading is really an effort by spirit to send love, comfort and healing to the person who remains on earth. It is this reading that can transform a sitter and enable them to live their life to the fullest again, if they were especially grieving.
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