Spirits Beside Us Blog


Raising The Spiritual Awareness & Vibration Of Humanity

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Love Yourself to Accelerate Your Spiritual Development

love is all you need

Finally, the month of love (February) has arrived. Despite the colder temperatures, the concept of love seems to warm you up. You just need to allow yourself to focus on something you probably crave way down in your heart…LOVE. Given recent global tensions, love would be a welcome relief, wouldn’t it? However, in your busy life, it’s more than likely just forgotten about. 

One of the most important aspects of your spiritual growth is learning how to love yourself, the inner spirit, the “True Es…

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7 Meditation Types and Their Benefits

meditation types

Meditation has evolved to become a large part of the wellness landscape, and many are exploring this practice.

In this article, I invite you to join me in unraveling the latest and most impactful meditation types. As we delve into these practices, we’ll not only discover the transformative benefits they offer but also explore the contemporary language that resonates with the mindful seeker in today's dynamic world.

So, fasten your seatbelt as we navigate the currents of meditation, blending an…

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10 Steps To Improve Your Meditation

improve meditation

Often I’m asked, “What’s the best way to meditate?” or “How can I meditate better” or “How can I concentrate when I meditate?” These are common concerns that crop up. Consequently, they often cause well intentioned people to abandon their efforts to start a meditation practice. Today, I’m going to give you some practical steps on how you can improve your meditation practice. 

Be Consistent 

We often push aside their meditation in favor of trying to complete things we feel “should” be done. Oth…

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