Spirits Beside Us Blog


Raising The Spiritual Awareness & Vibration Of Humanity

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What Happens To You After You “Die”?

what happens after you die

This episode explores the concept of life after death and the transition of consciousness from the physical to the non-physical realm. It discusses the idea that death is a metamorphosis, similar to a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. The conversation also delves into the nature of consciousness and the existence of spirit. It emphasizes that consciousness remains constant throughout different stages of life and that spirit continues to care and be connected to loved ones in the physica…

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How Do You Differentiate Between Spirit Guides and Imagination?


Have you ever had that small, quiet little voice inside your head that begins to gently suggest you would be better served doing or not doing something? It’s so subtle that your louder, dominant logical ego mind just ignores it. What happens? You later think to yourself, “Gee I should have done that….”

How many times has that happened to you? Happens to me far more than I care to admit. 

So what’s going on here? Is this just your imagination, the way your conscious mind (AKA your judgemental e…

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How To Ask For Signs From Your Spirit Guides

ask for signs

When was the last time you experienced an event that seemed so unusual that you had trouble explaining it or rationalizing it or even understanding how it was physically possible?

Perhaps you said, "Oh that's just a coincidence" and totally ignored it. Conversely, you might have said, "The universe is trying to tell me something." Furthermore, you may be trying to reach out to your spirit guides for help or answers to a particularly bothersome question.

In the vast and intricate tapestry of li…

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How To Get The Best From A Mediumship Reading


I always tell clients that a mediumship session is like a 3-way energy cocktail. This requires a strong, positive, loving energy mixture from all participants—recipient, medium and of course spirit. The higher and more loving the vibrations from those in physical, the stronger and clearer the communication will be. 

I find the recipient can act much like an energetic battery that provides power for the session. As a result the recipient often becomes the main source of energy for the reading, s…

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10 Steps to Connect With Your Spirit Guides

connect with your spirit guides

Often I get questions from people asking me how can they connect with their spirit guides. Learning to connect with your guides is a wonderful experience, but one that requires patience and understanding. Embarking on a personal odyssey to connect with your spirit guides opens the doors to a transformative experience—a journey that transcends the boundaries of the physical realm and all that we're familiar with. This is a journey of spiritual growth. As we delve into the 10 steps together, your …

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Spirit Guides: What Are They And Does Everybody Have Them?

spirit guides

Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about spirit guides like “What are spirit guides?” “Are there different types of spirit guides?” “Does everybody have a spirit guide?” and “How can I connect to my spirit guides?” 

There seems to be much more interest in this topic, and people are also becoming more open to the concept. I’ve been writing about guides for some time and expanding my own understanding of them over the years as they work with me. In fact the more I sit with them, the mor…

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What You Can Expect in a Reading

Spirit Valley

When people go sit for a mediumistic reading, they often aren't entirely sure of what they're going to get. Sometimes they're hesitant, thinking the medium is a charlatan, other times they're so set in their minds that they will only believe the experience is real if they hear a code word or hear from one specific person. All this negativity sets the sitter up for a disappointing reading.

Readings are like a three-way energy cocktail. It takes a tremendous amount of positive energy between the …

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How To Receive Spirit’s Love and Guidance

Heart chakra hi vibration

How many times have you allowed yourself to get caught up in the negative news cycle or the bickering in the office or perhaps at home? Perhaps you’re minding your own business, but something seems to drag you into an environment filled with animosity and spite. 

How often have you noticed that negative events in your life seem to cascade one after another, with an ever increasing adverse impact? You focus on the problem you’re experiencing and all of its ill effects, and then soon it seems ano…

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How Love From Spirit Supports Your Spiritual Growth


How often have you ever been walking along the road or doing something mindless and started to either think something to yourself or speak it out loud, and suddenly be surprised that you felt or even heard a nearly silent or intangible response? 

Your ego mind tries to brush it off as just your imagination, but you know it’s something more than that, because the response you felt was so subtle, so soft, so caring and so perfect in that moment that it couldn’t have been just your imagination.


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How Loving Others Accelerates Your Spiritual Development


The other night I was out to dinner with some friends at a nice Italian restaurant. Wouldn’t you know it, but soon there were all these other patrons who seemed to get loud and obnoxious and really began to annoy me. As a spiritual person, what did I do? Not what I should have.

I felt the anger welling up inside of me as my ego mind made it a battle of “them vs me.” I tried to focus on my friends at dinner, but my ego mind just wouldn’t leave it alone. By the end of the meal, I was exhausted fr…

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