How to Tell if You’re Claircognizant
Claircognizance is one of the 7 main “clairs,” or psychic senses that we all have, just at different levels of awareness. One of the most well-known clairs is clairvoyance, the ability to “see” in the mind’s eye. Claircognizance is the non-physical or psychic ability to suddenly “know” information without knowing why, without any waiting time and feeling totally positive you’re right.
It’s important to recognize that this information is coming from your spirit guides and is received in your solar plexus that also is the home to your clairsentience, so both clairs are related. Recall that clairsentience is the ability to feel or sense others’ personalities, character and disposition, usually coming in the form of discarnate messages to the mediumistic recipient.
With claircognizance, there is no “feeling” of energy, it’s an immediate “knowing” deep within your gut, similar to your gut instinct, but even stronger. You have no doubt about the information you’re receiving.
Ways to Tell if You’re Claircognizant
- You know when someone is lying, though you’re unsure how you know this
- You often receive a quick series of ideas or “inspiration” out of the blue
- You feel comfortable following your gut instincts & they’re always right
- You often know what the outcome of a situation will be–you just “knew it”
- You wake up with solutions to problems–”aha” or “eureka” moments
- You’re able to pick up new skills very quickly as you access new information
- You often just “ace” exams or tests without studying or really trying–you just seem to “know”
- You always seem to know who’s about to call you before your phone rings
- You always seem to win at guessing game or games of chance, since you just “know” the outcomes
- You’re a great decision maker as you intuitively “know” what to do in every situation
Everyone has psychic abilities, but they just lie beneath the surface to varying degrees for each person. This is tied to our hindbrain or ancient “mammalian” brain that resides at the base of our brain stem atop the spinal column. This part of the brain dates back hundreds of thousand to millions of years ago when mankind relied on his animalistic senses to survive. Over time, we developed our forebrain that grew logical and analytical capabilities that now dominate our thinking today.
How to Develop Your Claircognizance
- Clear negative, emotional energy from your psyche. Use journaling and meditation to raise your vibrations and bring you to a calmer, more positive state. Also, you can use crystal therapy to help cleanse or block unwanted energy you may be holding onto. It’s important to have a clean slate to work from.
- Develop spiritual and psychic practices to increase your sensitivity and intuition. Develop your environment so that it’s soothing and calming and inspiring to you. Experiment with different practices that you feel enhance and awaken your psychic perception.
- Practice making daily predictions. This is a great way to begin to measure and practice your claircognizant abilities–by actually using them. When the phone rings, predict who’s calling before you look at your phone. If you’re about to get big news, predict the outcome in advance. If you’re playing card games, try to predict what card you’ll receive next. If you’re playing games of chance, try to predict the outcomes before they happen.
You have psychic abilities, though they may have been somewhat suppressed by society or your own experiences. Now is the time to explore for yourself how strong those special senses are and what you can do to unfold them.
Whether you do this just for your own knowledge and benefit or seek to help others, learning to unfold your innate abilities truly shifts your awareness. You feel more connected to the universe and less “chained” to the material world.
Learn how to develop your own psychic senses in this free course.
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Tags: gut instinct, claircognizance, clairsentience, clairvoyance, psychic senses, psychic development, living spiritually, spiritual development, spirit
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