Spirits Beside Us Blog


Raising The Spiritual Awareness & Vibration Of Humanity

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Imagine an apple for a moment. This is no regular apple. This is a beautiful, red, delicious, juicy, plump, sumptuous, water-covered, shiny, mouth-watering apple. It’s so good and so enticing you just want to reach out and sink your teeth into it. It’s such a powerful image that your mouth begins to water and your stomach begins to grumble. 

The image that you saw in your mind’s eye is an example of how clairvoyance works. However, clairvoyance doesn’t come from your own mind or your own thoughts. Instead, the image is generated by another person (typically in spirit). They send you the energetic imprint of the image into your mind. This is called “clairvoyance,” which is based on the French term meaning clear-seeing. 

The Clairs

Clairvoyance is one of the seven primary psychic senses or “clairs.” Other clairs include clairsentience (sensing things like personalities, character, etc.), clairempathy (feeling emotions), claircognizance (sudden “knowing”), clairaudience (hearing in the mind’s ear), clairgustence (tasting with the mind) and clairalience (smelling with the mind). I cover some of these throughout April. 

Many intuitives, sensitives and mediums use the sense of clairvoyance because it can be so easy to receive and understand. Many, in fact, actually begin their psychic development starting with clairvoyance and it becomes one of the easiest psychic senses they can use. Think about it. After all, when you see images in your mind they at least are clearly seen, unlike some other senses, such as clairaudience, where you might not fully or clearly hear what is being said.

Potential Problems With Clairvoyance

Of course the downside to clairvoyance is sometimes users make the mistake of trying to interpret what they’re being shown. For example, a medium might receive an image from spirit showing a sandy beach, calm waves, bright sun, frolicing people, flying seagulls and a colorful beach ball. 

Some might try to interpret the potential meaning behind this scene (especially the beachball) as being symbolic. They might believe this is a symbol suggesting the recipient should have more fun with the ball as the focal point and beach as background. 

However, the scenery may also be a shared memory or a meaningful memory for both the recipient and the spirit. This scene might be so meaningful, in fact, that this resonates strongly for them and they know who is communicating. If the medium had just interpreted the scene as meaning they should have more fun and said “I’m being shown that you should have more fun in your life” then the meaning would have been completely lost on the recipient. 

Another potential misstep someone might experience is glossing over all the details of the clairvoyant image. Often people will just give what they’re seeing on the surface and will ignore all the rich detail that exists throughout the image. Going back to the beach scene for a moment, if the medium only focuses on the “beachball” and the “beach” then all the other details present get ignored. 

How to Use Clairvoyance

What does the shape or coastline of the beach look like? What types of people are there and what are they wearing? What colors do they see? Are there any trees and what kind are they-palms, pine, maple, birch, etc? These all hint about different climates and locations. Mediums have to observe, be aware of and describe everything they see in excruciating detail to avoid missing critical items that might trigger a realization, understanding or memory for the sitter. Without this, the clairvoyant scene might appear meaningless.

Next week, I’ll discuss clairsentience, which is the ability to sense energy like personalities, character traits, what someone liked to do, how they were able to interact with people, their sense of humor, sense of self, etc. All the clairs ultimately are representations or manifestations stemming from clairsentience. For example, clairvoyance is just the visual mode of clairsentience, while clairaudience is nothing but the auditory mode of clairsentience. We’re all able to sense using our psychic senses. It just comes down to how do these senses manifest themselves in the individual and how far down beneath the surface are the senses.

Here are some exercises you can do at home to practice or build your own clairsentience:


Concentrate on different colors in your mind’s eye using your imagination. Focus on a single color in your mind’s eye for 60 seconds. After a few breaths, switch to a new color and hold that new color for 60 seconds. Switch the colors in your mind every 60 seconds. Repeat exercise as long as you are able to maintain focus. Repeat the exercise again with different colors, for the possibilities are endless. 


Concentrate on different shapes in your mind’s eye using your imagination. Focus on a single shape in your mind's eye for 60 seconds. After a few breaths, switch to a new shape and hold that new shape for 60 seconds. Switch the colors in your mind every 60 seconds. Repeat exercise as long as you are able to maintain focus. For example, focus on a red triangle in your mind's eye for 60 seconds. Put a yellow circle inside the red triangle (edges touching each side of triangle) hold for 60 seconds. Then focus on a blue square inside the yellow circle/red triangle (corners touching). Hold this for 60 seconds.Repeat the exercise again with different colors, for the possibilities are endless.

Learn how to develop your own psychic senses in this free course.

P.S. If you think your friends would benefit from this article, please share it with them.

Tags: intuition, spirit, psychic senses, psychic development, clairvoyance, living spiritually, spiritual development


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