How To Unfold Your Mediumship With Understanding
“Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.” Lao Tzu
If you’re struggling with your mediumship development or you’re finding it difficult to connect with spirit, then don’t worry you’re not alone! While anyone can connect with spirit, it just takes the right mental and spiritual framework. Otherwise, it’s like trying to drive a car without knowing how the steering wheel works. You’ll never stay on the road or get where you want to go.
Everyone wants to start their journey by ignoring fundamental principles. It’s like trying to read a good book, but starting it in the middle. You’ll just wind up confused and have no idea what’s going on. As the saying goes, “you have to learn to walk before you can run.”
The most basic principle you can start with is expanding your own spirituality. Gordon Higginson (the best medium of the last 100 years) once said, “Before you can touch the Spirit, you must find it within yourself.” You can start this by enhancing your understanding of yourself and of others.
It’s important to understand that you are a spiritual being residing in a material world. As French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin has said, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” When you change your perspective like this, everything begins to fall into place.
First, you understand that you are energy and nothing more. As energy, you always exist and always have. Secondly, as energy your interactions with all energy around you creates everything you perceive in the present. In other words, as your energy interacts with quantum particles, they actualize into one location. This is a quantum physicist’s description of the Law of Attraction.
Thirdly, as energy, all that you interact with is ultimately an extension of you. Therefore, the people you meet or interact with are extensions of you. When you understand what they’re going through or experiencing, you gain understanding about yourself. You begin to see people in a different light, a new way.
No longer will that annoying neighbor remain the thorn in your side for you’ll begin to understand them. The obnoxious person sitting at a nearby table in a restaurant, seems less grating on your nerves since you can place yourself in their shoes. You’re learning to understand other people.
Most importantly, as energy you realize that you are spirit living in a muted and difficult environment. However, since you are spirit, you can then more readily communicate with spirit in the non-physical.
See yourself stepping outside of your physical constraints and connecting to spirit that is all around you. As you do, you’ll find that you’ve been communicating with spirit all this time but you just weren’t listening properly or allowing spirit to blend with you. This just requires greater understanding of self.
If you'd like to learn more about unfolding your mediumship, I invite you to explore my school MontClairMedium School of Psychic Arts. There you can learn about mediumship and how to build your skills. All levels are welcome.
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Tags: Mindfulness, living spiritually, loving kindness, meditation, understanding, mediumship, unfoldment, consciousness, source, God, self, energy, spirit, spirituality, mystics, thoughts, creation, quantum physics, quantum mechanics
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