Now, however, I feel comfortable and even inspired to mention God as the source of this tremendous love I feel in my work as a medium and my efforts to heal and uplift people.
Looking back I find this striking. As a young adult, I had always been skeptical of anything religious or anything that couldn't be proven. I approached the world as an agnostic materialist with a very healthy dose of skepticism. "If you're going to talk about something grand, then you're going to have to prove it to me or show me evidence," I used to say.
At the time I certainly didn't believe in angels or Jesus or God, no matter how much I tried. When I rarely went to church (there were times I never went even for Christmas or Easter), I just shook my head at the minister as if he were some pagan chanting at the moon.
Oh how the times have changed. Never in a million years would I have seen myself believing in a higher power, let alone spirit. Now I find myself called to a higher purpose that lies beyond myself, something I'm not fully in control of, but calls me to it. It's a power that emanates from my heart but engulfs my entire being. I feel I want to reach everyone in the world and spread the light of spirit's love and of God's Divine Love.
I feel driven now to help enlighten the world to the fact that all we need to do is ask God (or Source or whatever name you want to attach to your higher power) to fill our souls with His Divine Love and He will, for God is Love. We just have to continue asking, with steadfast determination, internal desire and the confidence that if we keep asking, we will receive His Divine Love.
For anyone more curious about this I strongly urge you to read The Padgett Messages in chronological order or use this site for the free chronological writings: https://www.padgettmessages.net.
Also, look at the website http://thepadgettmessages.org describing the amazing automatic writings that attorney James E. Padgett received (over 3,000) from 1914 to 1923. If the entire world knew about the Padgett Messages and their meaning, we'd be living in a more loving and peaceful world today.
I feel compelled to wake up those who are sleepwalking in their lives here on earth. I want to heal those who grieve for their loved ones in spirit and aren't aware that they are still very much alive and happy.
I feel the need to share the spiritual love that grows inside me with the planet somehow, though I readily admit I haven't a clue how I can achieve such a lofty purpose.
I see myself as one person, so how can I reach everyone in the world who needs that healing? I'm just a regular guy, how could I possibly achieve the higher purpose that's been laid out before me-one that feels like it's coming from outside myself?
Even scarier, as I analyze these concepts, always a dangerous thing to do, I begin to realize how unusual all this sounds-especially for a guy who was highly skeptical of notions that couldn't be proven, like spirit or God.
What happened to me? How did I get here? It certainly wasn't some mission I undertook to find my purpose. Like many things in my life, this found me, when I wasn't looking for it. Perhaps that's a sign that this calling is real since it's not coming from my mental sphere.
Furthermore, the fact that it's driven by a love of others and for others makes this calling pure, altruistic, and a personal True North. We all need a True North, something we can believe in, something outside ourselves that drives us for the sake of others.
I'm often asked by clients in either Psychic Readings or Soul Readings to help them find their purpose in life. It always seems to boil down to what is the greatest satisfaction they get by doing something for others.
Do they feel compelled to feed or shelter the homeless; donate their time at a hospital or nursing home; read to children; teach others; build homes for the homeless; and so forth?
What actions can you take going forward to generate love in your heart to help others? This is your True North. What's your True North? What's your Higher Calling?