How Loving Spirit Supports Your Spiritual Awareness
Spiritual Living·Chris Lippincott·Feb 18, 2022· 5 minutes
Can you really connect with the spirit world? Can anybody communicate with spirit personalities? Is spirit even real? How can you tell you’re really connecting with spirit instead of your own imagination? These are all questions I hear frequently, and they’re all quite valid. 

My answer to people is yes, anyone can connect with spirit and there is a way to differentiate between spirit and your imagination.

The primary issue becomes how do you expand your own spiritual being so that you can make that connection? Chances are you’ve grown up living a material life, for that is all you’ve been aware of as an adult. But think back to when you were a child. Possibilities were limitless. 

Children Are The Open Ones To Imitate 

When asked what you wanted to be when you grew up, maybe you said an astronaut or a ballerina or anything. You still believed in the Easter Bunny, Unicorns, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and so much more. Odds are you had “make believe” friends that you carried out conversations with the entire day. 

You may not remember it, but you probably could see these friends plain as day. You may have thought your parents were the strange ones because they couldn’t see them. Perhaps you’ve seen this in your own children. 

Think back to when you were a child. The beauty of your childhood was that because you weren’t limited to thinking in a logical, analytical, material mindset like an adult, you were far more open and sensitive to your environment. 

If something was upsetting you, for example, you cried at the drop of a hat (even if you were just alone in your room and you weren’t trying to get attention). Then once all was well, you’d carry on playing again.

Adults Are More Closed To Sensitive Awareness

As an adult, on the other hand, you’ve been conditioned to think in logical, analytical and materialistic ways that limits your thinking. You’ve been encouraged to “not cry” if you’re a man or just give up those “childish ways of thinking” and “grow up.” 

Now you’re concerned with “fitting in” with social norms. You’re focused on having an education to get ahead, earning money to live a comfortable life and supporting your family with hard work. 

You’ve lost the sensitivity you had as a child and the free thinking that came with it. Gone are the days of communing with your “imaginary friends.” Those “imaginary friends” weren’t so imaginary were they? In fact they were so real you knew they were right there in front of you and you could communicate with them quite easily. 

Now the question is how can you regain your ability to connect with spirit and more importantly SHOULD you? 

How You Can Regain Your Childlike Sensitivity

You can connect with spirit when you begin to realize the spirit within and understand that you are spirit. Feel yourself expansively growing from your heart center with light growing limitlessly within your body. Know that the “you” you perceive is not the body. In truth, that “you” is your spirit resting in that material shell of a body. It’s all a matter of perspective. 

Once you understand and accept that you are truly spirit, then it becomes natural that you are immediately able to connect with all spirit that surrounds you. Like the unlimited and sensitive child, you have removed the mental shackles that have kept you chained in your tiny physical box in the darkness. You open your eyes and awareness to all that is around you, primarily on an energetic level, for that is how all existence lives. 

Most importantly, open your heart to loving the spirit within and the spirit all around you. It is this love which carries the highest vibration and the white light that will create the strongest connection. All spirit lives on a higher vibration than the material plane of which you’re normally aware. Consequently, by maintaining loving thoughts in your heart, in your spirit and for spirit, you naturally attract those loving spirits in the highest vibrations to you due to the universal Law of Attraction. 

As you allow your mind to open to all energy around you, this spiritual awareness affects not only your outlook on yourself, but it uplifts your view of all humanity. You soon want to bring this love and healing energy to all persons regardless of their thoughts or place in life. You truly become spiritual aware as you learn to love spirit. 

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