Spirit's Suggestion: Slow Down; Seek More Love and Joy
In Spirit's Own Words·Chris Lippincott·Oct 28, 2021· 5 minutes
Recently, my guides gave me their version of a "spirit slap down." This occurred in both a trance writing session and a trance mediumship session. In both instances, spirit clearly stated I needed to slow down and focus on my joy. I had to stop rushing in my life. Spirit has been saying this often, and they have applied this universally to everyone. 

In one instance, this occurred when I sat down to practice my trance writing. My guides, loving as they always are, quickly went from telling me to slow down to telling me to open myself to love. This is below:

"Eternity is a long time . You have no rush, so continue to slow down and don't run. You must walk first. This is true of all. Even now you run when you should be walking. There is no race. There is no deadline. There is only love which is endless. 

Bring love to your work, and you will always heal. Love is the medicine that the world needs. Bring love to all and you can heal the world. We are at your side and will bring the healing. All you need to do is show up. We'll lead you to where you need to be. 

There is so much conflict on the planet and so much strife, that it needs our love more than ever. Discord cannot last, for it will only fracture humanity and cause it to dissolve. Are you not seeing a difference in your own mediumship as you bring more love to the sessions that are needed? 

Love is the answer. Love is the cure all. Love is the medicine that mankind needs to survive. It is like oxygen, the sustenance that mankind needs to survive. Open yourself to receive our love so that we can pass it on to others who need it as much as you do. You are all so frail and need this love so badly. We fear for you if this love does not reach where it is needed in time. 

What will be the consequences? It is like blood not getting to the correct part of a limb causing that limb to suffer. Bring love to the needy and you can heal."

In another instance, spirit again brought the concept that I should be seeking more joy and love in my life, rather than rushing and overworking myself. This occurred during a trance session. The transcript is below:

"You must learn to play, play amongst yourselves. Feel the joy. Begin to laugh again. Learn to love again. Be together again in harmony, for it is only in harmony that you can achieve great things. There must be harmony to progress forward. Without this harmony, the disharmony and the disunity creates distress, which leads to destruction, chaos. 

Focus on the unity, focus on the love, focus on the joy. Bring yourselves into that harmonic resonance; the union that you all know so well. Become one with each other, become one with spirit, for you are all spirit and in so doing you become one with the Great Spirit, thus you achieve the greatest harmony possible. And in this harmony there is perfection. 

Allow all humanity to rise up in this perfection and you will have the perfection that you seek, for without this love, without this harmony there can be no perfection.

We are here to help, but you must open yourselves to that help. Open yourself to our joy, to our love, to our harmony. See what is possible, ask yourself how it is possible, not why it is not possible, for all things are possible. That which you seek is what you can achieve. Focus on that which which you want, and it will be that which you achieve. 

This is a lesson for all of humanity and every individual within humanity. One for all, and all for one. This is that unity consciousness of which we speak. Know it. Work with it. Become it. You can achieve it. 

Is it not better to look up than to look down? Is it not better to look where you want to go than where you have been? These are the questions you must ask yourself. The answers are self evident. These are the lessons we teach every day. It is so hard to get more to listen. More must hear, more must open. 

Allow. Allow the love to enter and you will achieve."

Both of these wonderful pieces of advice from spirit carry such wisdom and seem so timeless. Furthermore, they can be taken to heart by everyone, regardless of their personal circumstances. As spirit offers more words of encouragement and support, I'll be sure to include them in future articles. In November, the month's theme will be "Spirituality Best Practices." In the meantime, have a Happy Halloween!

P.S. If you think your friends would benefit from this article, please share it with them.

Tags: love, joy, harmony, play, patience, patient, pace, relax, trance, trance writing, in spirits own words, living spiritually, god, great spirit, source