Now that it's November and the weather's getting a little colder and the days a little shorter, it feels like the happy days of summer are a thing of the past. This time of year I find it's becoming a bit more difficult to keep the upbeat nature that seems to come more easily during those summer months. So as we head into the final stretch of the year, I'm making a pact with myself, and I encourage you to join me.
I invite you on a 30-day challenge to think only positive thoughts and speak only positive things. Every day, every hour, every minute without exception. When you allow a negative thought to enter your consciousness, YOU HAVE TO START ALL OVER! The clock begins anew.
Think you can do this? You may find it to be difficult, and frustrating, and you may even think it's impossible. However, I know it IS possible and the rewards are most definitely worth it. Why is it so difficult to maintain a positive mindset?
We have entered this life to learn new lessons, and these are typically learned through challenges and struggles. Living a life on planet Earth is certainly no easy walk in the park and truly is not for the feint of heart. We endure difficulties that sometimes seem impossible to overcome. So unless we monitor our mindset, we tend to focus on the problems we're encountering rather than any of the positive things we're experiencing.
The good thing, however, is that positive occurrences and thoughts are far more powerful and weighty than negative perceptions or experiences. As a result, one good positive notion, no matter the size, can outweigh several negative thoughts. One positive idea can shift the direction of an entire day. Positive thoughts are so powerful, in fact, that if you only focused on positive thoughts, you would most likely forget any negative experiences.
If you were to focus on positive thoughts for a full 30 days, your mindset would be indelibly changed and you might be more inclined to pay attention to positive developments rather than any potential negative ones. As you increase your focus on positivity, you will simultaneously improve your feelings of joy and happiness. Since everyone wants to be happier, you need to focus on your joy and positivity. Do this for 30 days straight, and you're on your way to developing a positivity mindset.
"I don't have any joy in my life right now," I can already hear you saying. Given the current situation everyone seems to find themselves in, I'm not surprised you might feel this way. However, joy isn't some outrageously optimistic or euphoric feeling that you have to attain. In fact, all it has to be is finding something you like or maybe something small that puts a little smile on your face.
Just focus on the little things you like. Maybe it's a nice warm cup of coffee in the morning. Maybe it's a nice warm bath in the evening. Maybe it's curling up with a good book, while wrapped in a blanket sitting by the fire at night. How about walking outside and feeling the warm sunshine on your face as you interact with nature? No nature nearby you say, then find a park and interact with Mother Nature in the park. What puts a smile on your face?
These little bits of joy don't have to be big or fancy or expensive. In fact, they're often totally free. How about the camaraderie of good friends? Feeling the support of caring neighbors? Having a roof over your head, heat in your house, and food on your table.
While many people consider these as just part of life, imagine what your life would be like if you didn't have them. Now consider just how wonderful it is to have them in your life. This will surely put a smile on your face. Perhaps connect with your Joy Guide, and you'll feel even more upbeat.
The point is, the more little bits of joy you can accumulate each day, regardless of their size, the more your day will shape up to be quite positive.
We so often seem to take basic pleasures for granted that we forget that they are actually pleasurable. What I suggest you do is be grateful for all the wonderful gifts in your life. The more you practice gratitude for the little things and focus on little bits of joy in your life, the happier your life will become.
Do this for 30 days straight without allowing any negative thoughts to enter your mind, and you will have attained a level of happiness you haven't previously experienced. This is my challenge for you over the next 30 days. Good Luck!
P.S. If you think your friends would benefit from this article, please share it with them.
Tags: joy, happiness, gratitude, pleasure, pleasurable, positivity, positive, living spiritually, spiritual living