Be Open To Signs From The Universe
Spiritual Living·Chris Lippincott·Nov 11, 2021· 4 minutes
When was the last time you experienced an event that seemed so unusual that you had trouble explaining it or rationalizing it or even understanding how it was physically possible? Perhaps you said, "Oh that's just a coincidence" and totally ignored it. Conversely, you might have said, "The universe is trying to tell me something." Which camp are you in?

When people say something is a coincidence, they don't really truly understand the meaning of the word. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines coincidence as, "...a situation in which events happen at the same time in a way that is not planned or expected." However, we all know there truly are NO such things as coincidences or random occurrences. Everything happens for a reason. Something can't happen without a cause. The universe is run by specific operational laws.

While it may be easy to dismiss something we can't readily explain, we need to open ourselves to the possibility that something greater than us is trying to connect with us or tell us something. One of the more famous examples that happens quite frequently is the appearance of a red cardinal that comes right up to us as if possessed and starts acting in a way no regular bird ever would on its own. 

Is it just wishful thinking that a small bird that can easily fly away from us (and would rather not be near us) suddenly flies up to us and looks us square in the eye without moving for several minutes? Some stand by us next to our chair outside just staring at us, or come to the windowsill and peck at the window for minutes on end to get our attention. What bird do you know that normally operates in that fashion? If you can think of one, please let me know. 

While we may live in a material world, we are constantly surrounded by spirit that wants to get our attention, and sometimes will stop at nothing to get it. 

How about lights that turn on and off by themselves? Ever see the TV turn on by itself or come down in the morning to see the TV on when you are 100% certain you turned it off? How about the mobile phone that rings and lights up even though it's out of charge? Heard your voice called out and turned to see who was there, only to find there's not a person in sight? These are all great examples of spirit trying to reach us in the physical and get our attention. 

We need to expand our awareness of a reality that's greater than the physical existence in which we live. We've been so accustomed to the material world that it's the only thing we know. This brings up Plato's allegory of the cave.

Our experience seems limited by our view of our world and is often summarized by the saying "seeing is believing." In Plato's Allegory of the Cave, for example, three prisoners have lived their lives chained to a cave wall, facing that wall. They watch shadows projected on the wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind them, and see these shadows as real people.

These "shadow-people" become their reality, for they know nothing else. One prisoner escapes from the cave, goes outside and learns that his previous reality was not reality at all. When he returns to inform the other prisoners about the true nature of reality that he has seen, they refuse to accept it, for this is beyond their comprehension.

Plato had great insight, for this allegory fits perfectly with our view of reality on earth. Most of us prisoners on earth see the physical universe as the true reality, for we have known nothing else. Yet the countless communications with spirit who have returned to describe a dramatically different existence than one we're used to demonstrates a greater reality we need to acknowledge.

It's high time we unchain ourselves from the cave wall and explore the world outside and see a larger reality. 

Allow yourself to be open to signs from the universe.

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Tags: synchronicity, coincidence, spirit communication, living spiritually, spiritual living