My Spiritual Journey and How I Became a Medium
Everlasting LIfe·Chris Lippincott·Mar 24, 2019· 7 minutes
Many people have asked me what my experience has been being a medium or how I knew I was one in the first place. Some assume I just "knew" or I'd always had the gift ever since I was a child.

While that may be true for some mediums, many mediums actually don't develop their sensitivity until later in life. This was essentially what happened to me. I didn't develop until I was an adult.

Like most kids, I never gave spirit any thought when I was growing up. I always had my "fantasy" playmates and invisible friends, but I thought that's what everyone had to just pass the time.

I thought we all made up playmates to keep ourselves from being lonely, especially as an only child. I desperately needed someone, so I that's what I did, to the point of having animated conversations with nature like trees, animals and plants.

I spoke with anything that was near me and seemed alive. Little did I know that in fact I was actually in contact with spirit through my fantasy playmates and the energy in the animals and trees. To me they were very alive, but just "friends".

Of course when my playmates could carry on conversations with me and respond, that should have told me something. However, again I thought I just had a terrific imagination (which perhaps allowed me to be open to spirit). Of course I never had the courage (or need) to tell my parents.

I also should have noticed something different was happening at night when I felt soft hands on my back or felt an energetic presence around me while trying to go to sleep. Recall I was an only child (i.e. no siblings to play jokes on me), and my parents were at other other end of a long house. All that did was make me terrified of the dark and absolutely convinced of monsters.

Again, I thought I was just susceptible to childish fears, nothing more, for I wasn't ever aware of anything called "spirit".

As I got older and more skeptical of everything around me, I let go of what I considered to be "childish" fantasies and make believe playmates. My parents weren't particularly religious, so my belief system didn't stick with anything remotely spiritual. I just continued on my way being somewhat self-centered, probably greedy and I guess a materialistic only child.

Yet I never could completely forget those childhood instances of talking to pretend playmates, trees and those odd occurrences at night.

The nighttime energies and feeling of a presence that I couldn't see with my eyes kept happening. As a result, I thought I must have some uncontrolled fear of the dark. Still I wasn't aware of the concept that spirits might be trying to contact me or trying to awaken in me any abilities.

I'd heard of mediums, but I always thought they were somehow super human with magical gifts. I didn't really know much, if anything, about them. So I thought I was just an adult man who was deathly afraid of the dark.

However, I was becoming inexplicably curious about the afterlife, spirits, near death experiences, people with mediumistic abilities and their backgrounds. I had a voracious appetite for all things spirit related.

It started with near death experiences and reincarnation, since that was still tied to the earth, and people were coming back to talk about their experiences, so I could believe much of what they were saying. It wasn't all that far-fetched in my mind. So I kept reading everything there was. However, my "reading list" slowly began to change and evolve without my realizing it.

Looking back, it's clear that spirit was placing all the titles in my view and bit by bit was moving me down the spiritual path ever so slowly (20 years worth of reading) and ever so gently.

Before I knew what was happening, I was reading everything I could get my hands on about spirit. I was reading spirit writings and trance recordings on how spirit evolved from the human to the non physical, what their world was like, how they lived, how they contacted us, detailed stories about mediums and many studies and scientific theorems not only explaining the science behind spirit, but also validating its existence.

Again the timing of everything happening in perfect order still astonishes me. I simultaneously began to learn about meditation, its importance on health and spiritual growth and learned how to practice it. It was finally when I began to meditate that things really started to change, and I started to realize there were bigger forces "out there" that I never really had accepted previously.

At that point I had begun to search for and have discussions with my spirit guides. Almost one year to the day after starting conversations with my spirit guides, I guess you could say I was figuratively struck by a spiritual lightening bolt.

During a morning meditation one weekend in my "man cave" (we guys always have to have one somewhere) I was really getting deep into an almost a trance like state and had really progressed well into my meditation. The next thing I knew, in my mind's eye I was looking at four spirit people in silhouette, backlit by a grayish light. The two on my right side were taller than the two on the left side. I felt I knew them somehow and they were important, but I couldn't place them.

That's when the tall spirit on the right side who felt quite powerful, without moving, cast a beam of intense, pure, unconditional love straight through my heart and out my back. I was loved just for existing, just like a parent loves a young child.

This spirit expressed deep, unconditional love for me as well as my divinely created soul. Everything around me suddenly emanated intense, pure, unconditional love. It existed everywhere around me, and my entire being pulsated with this high vibration of love energy. I had become love and was one with this universe. I realized the illusion of duality and separation.

It was a feeling so overpowering and all encompassing, that the human word love (in any language) doesn't even begin to describe it. I was telepathically told that I was perfect and could do no wrong, just because I existed (I couldn't accept that at all).

The spirit beings told me this was what God and the spirit world were like: all is love. They also pointedly told me that I was on my path of learning, and that's why I came to be incarnate.

Ever since my awakening, I've become more involved with spirit and have been learning to communicate with them, a journey that will never end. Spirit always amazes me in readings with their ingenuity and creativity for turning symbolic images, thoughts, songs or feelings into clear and meaningful evidential information and messages. To see a sitter heal and have a beautiful transformation feels like an honor just to be a part of it.

Everyday I look forward to what spirit will do to bring through proof of survival and what healing messages they bring to their loved ones here on earth. For me, the journey continues each day.