Have you ever had an experience that was so profound it changed your view of existence and the afterlife? Did you find yourself re-examining or changing previously held beliefs? Did the experience move you to shift your focus outward to help others? Did you find yourself gaining a greater connection to spirit and the Divine? These are some of the topics I discuss in episode #18 of my podcast Spirits Beside Us.
Recently, I interviewed Jeannie Lynch, who shares her journey into mediumship and the importance of being in service to others. She emphasized the sacredness of mediumship and the responsibility of connecting with loved ones who have passed. She shares very personal experiences, including a powerful message from her daughter and a synchronistic encounter with a client who had previously seen her mentor.
One thing we both agree on is the intelligence and humor of spirit and the importance of staying open and connected in this work. Our conversation explores the experience of being a medium and the importance of practice and play in developing intuitive abilities. The conversation includes the role of spirit guides and how they work with mediums, as well as the concept of connection with spirit.
I’m excited. I’ve got a wonderful guest. Her name is Jeannie Lynch and I’m just going to jump in. Jeannie, we love having you here. You are a person who has had some incredible experiences. Now that you’re on the other side of the mic, tell us a little bit about yourself.
I always appreciate being on the other side of the mic. Thank you very much. I am a big fan of yours too and follow your work on all your platforms. When you reached out to me because we’ve collaborated quite a bit on my channel, doing collabs with a whole bunch of other healers, and asking some pretty important questions like, “What is it we’re doing? Why are we doing this? How can we be the best at what we do?”
You and I share the thread of not only how we got into this, which I’m sure that we’ll share here, but the service to others. We both know that if you want to help somebody or if you want to help yourself heal, you have to be in service to others. That was a natural pull after I went through my spiritual awakening or the end of the dark soul, whatever they call that, back in 2005 when I lost my daughter. I’d like to share more about that story in our interview on this episode. For the last twenty years, stepping into the role of a healer, which let’s define that real quick.
We don’t heal anybody. I heal using my voice and giving people words and connections to their loved ones or their healing to affirm their life path. It’s through communication and consciousness that I believe in the ability to help someone and guide them, but I’m not doing anything. I’m just pointing, asking, and guiding them in the way, which is why I the title better of guidance, guiding, guides, and stuff like that.
It sounds like you’re more of a conduit.
Most people who do this work hopefully would answer it that way.
Journey Into Mediumship
Tell us what was it that sparked your journey. It’s probably true with everybody on this spiritual journey, something typically sparks. Something sets us off on that journey. Whether it’s a healing journey or a connection with spirit. What was it that got you on your journey?
I was going through a rough time in my life, going through a bad divorce. I don’t think I had the skills to navigate those rough times because I was too busy being the victim. The victim of my husband’s abuse, the victim of my childhood, and the realization that all these things had happened to me, but no one gave me the skills to understand how to get through them. Like most of us, when I was going through that, I was in counseling and trying to understand it a little bit more.
My counselor at the time asked me to dig a little deeper into what my fears were because he could tell that I was riddled with them. It seems that I have this sixth sense. I said, “I have this knowing or understanding, and 99.9% of the time when I say or think or feel these things, they end up happening. It terrifies me. I don’t want it. I want to walk away. I don’t like it. It’s not okay.”
Through therapy and through my spirit coach at the time, we started having this conversation about intuition, the knowing, and consciousness. These were empaths. These words were Japanese to me. I didn’t understand them, I didn’t know what he was talking about, and so on. One of the things that I was dealing with was the fear that my life with my daughter and our time together was short and that terrified me. Of course, in this journey, two weeks after she passed, she was killed tragically in a car accident with her grandmother in January, twenty years ago.
I feel like I’m on the other side of that journey. When this happened, here I am back in the same man’s therapy chair saying, “Now what?” He passed me off to a woman who I call my spirit coach, and we worked from that moment on to stop being afraid and to lean into this. I don’t want to call it a gift because I think everybody has it. I’d rather call it the acts of service or what my life plan was going to be about. Not making it seem special, but helping other people recognize that we all have it. Some of us just like to play in it a little bit more.
That became the way I healed and my understanding. The biggest change is that not everybody had this experience, but this was before Oprah Winfrey made it cool. I was introduced to The Secret. Understanding that and finding out that, “Wait a minute it isn’t all happening to me. I get to co-create it and I’m attracting this.” I didn’t attract my daughter’s death but I certainly attracted some other bigger things that I was intending. I guess we’ll call them life lessons.
When that came into my experience, those two together catapulted me into assisting others. You and I share a background in finance. I have to say to your audience, I think that is wonderful in the way we do things because most people who do this work, and I’m probably going to get in trouble for saying this, are a little out there on the woo-woo side.
That’s what my wife tells me. She said, “Are you going to go in your woo-woo closet again?
Too funny, but being funny aside, what I think helps us is I have one foot heavily planted on the ground and want to be in my body doing this work. When people come and they’re talking to me, I can stay in that side of my brain that is very much connected to Earth. I’m not completely out there. Even though when we’re doing the mediumship work, let’s admit it, we are, but we have to be we have to come back and give that information.
I don’t know how you define the work you do and the work that I do in the mediumship piece. I call it conscious channeling. The way I try to explain it to my clients is that I go to that place, the veil, the curtain, the spirit, whatever that place is. It changes as I’m working with people, although it seems to be in one area of my room here.
I hang out there and I do what most people do when they’re channeling, which is ask a series of questions and get pictures, feelings, and sensations. I then come back and give it to my client. I can go and come back. Sometimes, I’m there for most of the session. Sometimes, I’m only there a couple of times, depending on what the client needs.
For me, there are many different ways to do this. We can talk about that in this show. I’m not sure what process you use but for me, that’s the easiest way to define the way I do my work. I’m very much here in my financial brain and then very much they’re connected to source. I feel like that makes it a little bit more connected to the people that we’re trying to be in service to.
You’ve hit the nail on the head. One of the things that over the years, I’ve always been taught, I’ve always been told, and I always felt is that you always have to be grounded no matter what. That’s one of the most important things. Even as you go into meditation or you’re going into some form of connection with spirit, you’ve got to start in meditation. There is even a special meditation for mediums that you’re probably aware of sitting in the power and how you begin sitting in the power. You start by being very grounded because if you’re not grounded, it is like a building. You can’t build on something if there’s no good foundation.
I agree with you. They will keep your ear and keep you in woo-woo land. My funny lesson about that, there was a woman in my Spiritual Women’s Group back in Vermont. I asked her one day, “How come you haven’t come to me?” We both did this work. She said, “I hear that your sessions are an hour and a half long. Who’s got that much time?”
I looked at her and said, “They keep me there. I always ask the question at the end of my session saying, is there anything else that you would like to know for Joe in front of me? They just keep talking.” She looked at me and said, “That’s on you. They’ll have your ear 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if you don’t learn the boundary.” At the time I was doing Tarot, I was sitting with people for two or sometimes three hours reading Tarot, giving these long stories and staying open.
After that woman made this one simple comment, the next week when I went to do my normal Wednesday read, I put the deck away. I set the timer and said, “I’m sorry, we’re starting a new process today. I’m not using cards and I’m just going to bring source through. For the betterment of you and my time, I want it to be concise.” Everything went fast and my guides work with us when we’re listening and they’re listening.
That’s amazing. To that point, I can even give you an example. When I do demonstrations, the way they give us the information in a public demonstration gallery. For example, in a church or some public venue, as opposed to a private one-on-one, where in a den, they’ll give me what feels like this flood of information that comes in fast and concisely because you only have about eight minutes per person in the den. Whereas you’ve got a private one-on-one, you’ve got an hour. It’s like you’ve got all the time in the world and I seem to pick up on that. They’re like, “We’re just going to give you the time of your life.” It’s nice, calm, streaming, and we get all this different information, but in a den, it’s coming like water out of a fire hose.
That’s a good point too because we have these certain techniques or skills in past life, and they want to talk about healing, they want to talk spikes in your life, and all these things show up a certain way for me and they’ll show up differently for you. You never know going into a reading, it’s not like you’re looking at your clock saying, “It’s 10 after. This is usually when a good message comes through.” It doesn’t work that way.
Something I want to make sure gets said is the whole idea of the work that we’re doing and the responsibility of it. I want to say right out of the gate the one thing that I take very seriously in the work that I do. When someone is asking for mediumship, first off, it’s the most sacred. It’s all sacred, to define that.
Connecting to somebody who has been through some loss, and letting us touch their grief, I wear that like a badge of honor because I know in my grief, how important that was for me to get any connection and affirmation from my daughter. I don’t need it anymore. I know that sounds a little odd, but I don’t go to sessions now, glomming on and wanting to get a message from my daughter because I’m very comfortable with where she is.
Seeking mediumship and getting those messages is timely in the sense that we don’t want to become addicted to the connection. Most importantly, when you’re starting and anyone who is tuning in to this who follows both Chris and me, if you’re tuning in because you want to know more about doing this work or you’re looking for a connection to your spirit, the information that comes through first typically in a mediumship reading, is the most immediate for your spirit.
They know but they’re not going to tell you it’s Miss Scarlett in the kitchen with a knife. They don’t care but they want you to know that when they passed and you were holding on and glomming on to something that meant more to you than them, it’s okay. Those messages come through. You can watch the person in front of you shift and receive that information or I call it affirmation. What they thought or hoped is there and is visible or coming through in that way. You watch it soften on the people’s faces and you watch that grief. That would be crazy, but just soften a little bit, our work has just begun.
That’s very well said because when the one word that keeps coming through in my mind is compassion. It’s the concept of holding a space for them, holding their compassion, holding their grief, and not trying to be the person who is going to console them. That’s not why we’re here, but it’s to allow them to feel comfortable, allow them to feel that connection, and spirit does all the work.
They’re the ones that know exactly what the sitter needs. They know how it’s needed. I always tell clients that it’s a difference between a want and a need. The sitter will come in and say, “I want this,” but the spirit is going to come in and give you what you need. It’s like the Rolling Stones. You can’t get what you want, but you can get what you need.
I agree with you. Even further than that, they will say it in a way that makes sense to them and only them. That’s where the filtering or the trying to figure it out part gets a little challenging for us. I know nothing about chess. I don’t think I even know what the figures do in the chess game, but when reading, I got a whole bunch of scenarios for chess pieces. It turns out these were the two ways that these two people communicated the most. I couldn’t try to figure it out, but I kept hearing, “Say it and stop filtering it,” and bring it through the way it was being given to me.
I always tell my students to give what they get. Always give what you get with one caveat of not rehashing a violent or hurtful thing because they already experienced it once. They don’t need to experience it again. You can hint at it, you can get at it, and they know what you’re talking about. Otherwise, give them what you get.
Good point. I did a whole video recently that talked about whether should we filter. I asked a whole bunch of different mediums and spiritual readers, “Tell me your experience with what we’ll call filtering and how you filter. What is a filter?” It’s what you said. You don’t want to re-traumatize them. That’s ego for the reader too, “I’m hearing you were sexually abused when you were two.” Who’s that for?
Why say that? It’s completely pointless. You can intimate it. You can say, “There was some abuse of some kind.”
You’re good. I agree.
Mediumship Experiences
You’re on this path. You had this trauma, and now you’re on this mediumship path. Take us through some of the more unique experiences that you’ve had. Some of the ones that you were talking about, like the chest piece. The ones that stick out in your mind and you are like, “These are amazing.” I always say your spirit intelligence is insanely amazing. I got to pinch myself. What were some of your more interesting experiences?
Every single reading is amazing. People say, “Aren’t you exhausted after these?” It’s funny. I had a migraine one morning. I woke up and I couldn’t see straight. I took my medicine, and at 01:00, I had a session. From 1:00 until 01:30 was the best time that day because I felt clear. I was awake and there was something that happened and they’re all amazing.
I want people to know that this work is that amazing. One comes to mind, which is the one that happened to me that placed me. I knew it was on this path, but it dropped me on the path and there was no doubt. I would love to share that because it’s one of those a-ha moments. I was training. I went to a Life After Life Conference at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York with all my favorite coaches and spiritual people, Bryan Wise, Raymond A. Moody, Sonia Choquette, and John Howland. I could go on and on. They were all there.
It’s a big day and it was a five-day intense. I was already starting to read the books and work with my gifts at the time. John Howland was one of the teachers and presenters just like Jonathan Edwards. I’m assuming your audience knows who he is. He got up and said, “I have a mommy in the crowd whose daughter is telling me her name. It’s Lila, Layla, or Lula.” My daughter’s name was Isla.
“She’s telling me she’s the line leader and she has a message for you. Is there that mommy in the crowd?” The first thing he said was, “She’s telling me that the man sitting next to you is not her daddy. She wants everyone to know that.” I’m seeing a break in my arm, which is his dictionary for separation because we all have our own little pictionaries.
He says, “Who is the man sitting next to you?” I got the mic and I said, “It’s not her daddy.” People are laughing at this part and I’m terrified of what’s going to happen. He said, “She’s telling me she wants you to know that she loved her daddy. She knows that you two were not together and that brought you great pain, but she also wants you to know that she’s taking me to a place that she’s telling me you don’t want to go.” “What?”
Only my daughter would know, and most people would think this is going to sound obvious, but there’s a side note to this story. He said, “She’s taking me to her stone.” When he said that, he said, “I’ve been stood corrected. I mean, her monument.” He put his hand way up. There it was. I just got covered with goosebumps. Here she comes stepping in. When my daughter passed, I dealt with things like this. I went to healing centers. My ex built things. He put rocks in the schoolyard. My daughter’s friendship stone. He put the cross on the highway where she died. He was monumenting and resurrecting all these physical things that people could see and touch. It was very upsetting for me. I can’t go down the road because there’s a huge cross there and things like that.
The stone was this bone of contention for me and brought me much pain, not because I hated it. I didn’t care for it. It was too big for me, but I didn’t think my daughter liked it. Back to John Howland, he’s looking at me saying, “Oops, stood corrected.” He went on to describe the stone in such detail. The 8 x 10 picture. There are notes on the stone, which tells me there’s a song and, “I’m seeing at the very end, love Daddy.”
I’ll have to send you a picture so you can place it in your video because your audience won’t believe it. Was he following me before I got there? That’s one of those, “Are you kidding me?” I’m sure the people who have those experiences can honestly say that those are life-altering. There is not one gift my daughter could have given me at that moment other than telling me that she was okay and that came together.
The whole beautiful message was to stop grieving this situation and come together in love. She loved her daddy. “She loves you.” I see that stone differently now when I visit it when I go back to Vermont. It’s not this terrible place to go because my daughter is there. I know she’s not there, but you know what I’m saying. That was my own experience.
When you asked me for my own story, I had a million different stories, but I was working with a woman who had never had a session before. She came in and we were doing more energy work for her, and maybe this is a good conversation for you and I to have too. I don’t know when the spirit shows up and they’re not there for a mediumship reading. You have a little bit of a question you have to ask.
You don’t just say, “I’m not the Long Island Medium who’s going to tell you that your dead uncle is behind you in the grocery store.” It’s not going to happen. Sorry if you have fans of the Long Island Medium, I’m not saying anything negative about her, but that’s a boundary for me. This woman, in the middle of our session, her father shows up.
I was looking at her energetically and I said, “There’s a spike that happened in your life where everything shifted and it seems to me that it’s at a time within the last ten years. Did something happen that changed your perspective? I’m seeing this little spike in your energy.” She says, “Could it be my father who passed?”
The father comes right in. I looked at my new sitter and said, “With permission, your father would love to bring you a message, but I’m not sure how you feel about that, or if today is the day you want to receive that. Before I assume that you want it, is that something you’re open to hearing if he’s here?” Sometimes you have to make sure it’s okay for him to give the message.
She said, “Absolutely.” I’m not going to tell you what was said, but it was clear. There were ten words, and it was said in a very specific way about a situation she had gone through. Right when I said it, I saw that energy shift in her face. She says, “I can’t believe you’re saying that and saying it the way you said it. My sister went to a medium five years ago and was told the same thing with the same words.”
Here’s the ending. The person she went to was my mentor back in Vermont. It’s the teacher who taught me how to do this work. We are going to have the same opening and connection. I worked with this woman for years. I said, “Did it happen to be this person?” She replied, “Yes. How do you know her?” This woman had never met me before. She was visiting down here. There’s no connection to Vermont. We’re not family. ? It was our a-ha moment. You can’t make this stuff up.
Many times, we’ll be connecting with spirit and they’ll start saying things in a very specific way. I can remember one time a father was coming through, and most spirits when they speak, you’ll either hear them or there’s a sudden knowingness and there’s a flow. That’s normal, I can get it. This one particular man, the way he was speaking was specific about his grammar being bad.
He would mix up verbs and speak all upside down and backward. I said, “I got to give it the way it is.” I started repeating the words exactly as they were coming. The woman in front of me is looking at me with a quizzical face. All of a sudden, she burst into laughter and said, “My god, that’s exactly the way he spoke. It happens all the time.
I don’t know about you. Maybe you’re better spoken than me, but I hear words and say, “I don’t even know what this word is.” I’ve had to look it up after the session because I’m not familiar with the language or whatever. I love it.
This was common English and he was trying to get across a small phrase, but the grammar was all mixed up and it was basic grammar that was upside down. A 5th-grader would have known that’s not right. She just lost it, “My god, that’s funny.” The one thing that I’ve also noticed is that spirit is often trying to come through not only with humor but also with incredible intelligence. Amazing intelligence. I got to pinch myself every time because they’ll give us things and sometimes we’ll be struggling. We’re the ones trying to figure out what that means but in fact, it’s not for us.
Let’s keep talking about that. You talk about intelligence. Not to paraphrase the word “crazy” but the more out of this world it seems is probably the best way to say it. We’re tied to our physical bodies and time. The way our bodies work and the way that we can be here but not there. When you’re dealing with spirit and there’s none of that, it seems far-fetched when the information is coming through.
If it feels in that vibration for me, I know I’m right on. I so feel connected to it because here we are trying to make sense of it. That’s a good segue to what makes a good reader because we both teach people how to do this. I remember and you probably have a similar experience when I started being on the sitting side of the people who were reading and these people would say, “I’ve been doing this for twenty years.” I would be so jealous. I wanted to be twenty years in. I wanted to know my craft. I didn’t want to spend six months working with people doing Tarot. I wanted to have the experience.
The thing that I try to say very often to the people that I work with is to just get out there and do it. Play and have fun with it because they want you to work with it. Your guides, if you’re heading in the wrong direction with it, they’re going to shut it down. The door will shut. You won’t get information through. They’re not going to feed you information because you’re billing at $20 an hour. They’re as protective of your sitter. Don’t you think? The good ones.
The thing I always say is that our guides are our best teachers.
I found my guides worked with me. I found that they kept me in the lesson for a length of time. I’ll give an example. If I was trying to learn all about forgiveness, it seemed like everybody was showing up who needed forgiveness or had done unforgivable things. We were in that energy until I had worked with it at every angle from sitter to reader, sitter to reader, and different experiences, and then they would say, “She’s ready to move on, let’s move on to compassion now.” I’d spend maybe a year in compassion. Not that you’re done.
That’s funny. It’s true. One thing I always tell people is that it always feels like it’s two steps forward, one step back. That one step back feels frustrating because it feels like you’re losing either your abilities or a skillset or something. People panic like, “I’ve lost it,” or they’ll have a series of readings where nothing is coming through, or it’s complete garbage.
It happens to me. I panicked but then I noticed it’s like this short period, and then you move on to another section. I tell people that it’s exactly like going to the gym. Maybe you’ve got some crazy sadistic trainer who puts you through the moves and you’re there for a month, three months, and eventually, you’ll say, “Great, look at me, I’m strong.” You plateau and all of a sudden, he will say, “Guess what, now we’re going to do different exercises.” You go to do different exercises and you can’t do it.
In the meantime, you put your knee out because you’ve done it too fast or not the right way. There are also energy blocks. I’ve worked with people where I say to them, “This is how I go into my sessions.” For the audience, you’re about to get a series of information. You’ll know when it’s right on. My job as a good reader is to say things and affirm what you already know. If I say something and it has no connection to you, please don’t hold on to it during the session and try to make it fit because I’m not going to. I want you to let it go and know that maybe when you listen back to the tape six months from now, you’ll have a different connection to it. In my scenario, maybe it hasn’t even happened yet. We can talk about that.
When I was being trained, I couldn’t remember who the teacher was. We did this funny little exercise where you put things in an envelope and you hold them up to the class. Is it a two, is it red, is it blue, is it number 8, 9, or 6? At the end with 500 people in the room, this teacher said, “Who got it in this order?” Everyone raises their hand if you got two right or one right or the rest of it. We go through this whole scenario and I didn’t get one right. I’m sitting in a class of 500 people learning how to do this and feeling a big loser in my head.
The gentleman said, “Who got it in this order?” Two of us raised our hands. He says that it happens every class. There are always 2 or 3 people that this happens to. The information he was asking for was coming through ahead. I had the exact order but I had it when he was asking for one, I was already answering it as two. The information was that much faster. You probably have had this experience too.
This reading that I did, the information started to come through in the morning with my migraine. I thought, “Can I just write it down and deal with this later?” I did. I took the note and put it to the side and then came into the session saying, “Your information started to come in this morning, here’s what I got, let’s get to your reading.” We don’t necessarily have control over when it comes, what it is, and why it’s important.
That’s very true. It’s I can merely think of two experiences. One rather recently, it was 30 minutes before a reading and I was sitting getting ready. All of a sudden, I started smelling pipe tobacco. There’s nobody in the house smoking pipe tobacco. I start smelling with my nose. I can’t smell it in my nose, but I can smell it in my mind. I’m picking up pipe tobacco. It’s 30 minutes in and it’s sitting there.
I start speaking to the sitter. We’re going on and all of a sudden, the pipe tobacco comes back in. I said, “I got this 30 minutes ago and they’re not letting it go. Do you understand pipe tobacco?” The guy said, “My god, yes.” They do that. There was one time when I was with a sitter, giving them all this information, and then somebody else came through and started giving incredible remote viewing, remote detail about who they are.
First of all, they were giving me their personality and everything. They’re giving me the view of their old room, the dining room, the living room, the furniture, the colors, and everything in scary detail. The person couldn’t take any of it. The first half of the readings was phenomenal. In the second half of the reading, this other person comes in. He says, “I have no idea who that is.” We’re like, “Whatever.” The very next reading after that person left, the same person comes in, the same information, the same furniture, and the same living room. The person burst into tears going, “I know exactly who that was. It’s almost like they couldn’t wait to come in.”
Your people must know too that it is our job to navigate and try to control that.
We can’t control spirit. They’re the ones bringing the information. That’s why I always tell people that they’re driving the bus, not me.
I remember in training once that happened in the room where I think it was Holland, maybe the same weekend. He was working with people to do this work and a girl got up. She was attempting to keep it all organized but Jack was in the corner, Bob in the back, and John could figure it out. He knew what was happening to her, but she would be giving information and the person in the back of the room was shouting, “That’s for me.” It’s hard.
I call it the juggling spirits. I had one where five people are coming in at once and they’re all giving me all this information. I parked them in their one spot and I said, “This information got to go here. This information has got to go here. How does that feel?” I was like, “Where does this information go? This belongs to you. That belongs to you.”
Spirit Guides And Intuitive Abilities
I have a question for you if you don’t mind me jumping into the other side of the mic since we’re talking about teaching and stuff. A question that I often get asked that I have always not answered or it’s just the way I receive information. Here’s the question and you probably have heard it. People want to know who their guides are.
Spirit is different. If it’s their daughter, if it’s their mother, or if it’s their late husband, and they’re still working with them, I got them. The whole idea of the guides, “I’m Gin from 1640 when I was an American Indian, and I’m this powerful bohemian.” I don’t get guides like that. For me, the people who work in these sessions with me are a whole team of energetic beings who show up and give me pieces and information. I don’t sit there and say, “It came from Joel in the back.” I don’t waste my energy and reading. I’m wondering when you were teaching people on the intuitive side and connection, do you get asked that question? What is your understanding of that? What do you do with that question?
A lot of people do ask how I connect with my guide. It applies to everybody. These are people who don’t even have to be mediums because everybody wants to get in contact with their guide. What I tell people is the way to get in contact with your guide is to first off, sit in meditation and be open to whoever is out there.
You’ve got to be open and be able to receive. First off, you’ve got to also allow yourself to get into a higher vibration, positive vibration, loving vibration, or the highest vibration you possibly can be so that you’re not attracting people that you don’t want to hang around. First off, If you want high loving vibration, you have to invite that in intentionally and set that intention.
Second off, guides won’t always come to you and tell you who they are until they know you’re ready to get it and you may not get that for some time. You may be in connection with “an energy,” a person, somebody who is nudging you from the back. They’ve got your ear, they’ve got your attention, and you know that somebody is trying to connect.
It’s either your gut or your mind. Maybe you heard something or you’re seeing repeating numbers. If something is catching your attention and it’s not random, just start going with it. Start accepting it and the more you accept it, the more you start to flow with it, the more you’ll start to see that it keeps on repeating, and then you’ll say, “They’re trying to help me here.”
That’s great advice for me. I think if people ask because they want the name and they want to say thank you or whatever the connection is, I’ll instruct them back to themselves because I know who my guides are. I don’t have names for any of them. I know exactly who’s showing up because I know what it feels like and I only know that through meditation and connection. Good point.
That’s the most important thing. For example, one of the most famous spirit guides that we all probably know of is Silver Birch, well-known in the books and what-have-you. That was never his real name. When the group who was working with him asked him for a name, he said, “Look out the window. What do you see?” They said, “We see a silver birch.” “You have my name.” That wasn’t his name.
Got it, I am all that. I love that.
People want to have a name so they can identify. That’s their root connection because otherwise, it feels amorphous. If you can connect to the energy, the personality, the love, the education, or the wisdom, that’s all you need. I hope that helps.
It’s perfect and I hope that your audiences have heard it too for that reason. I think it helps and is of service to many others.
Service And Impact
What are some of the things that you began to think of when you were talking about service? Have you seen yourself in situations where the spirit is directing you to be more of service in one area, one group, or one modality?
I think of COVID. It is how we met. My YouTube channel, started twenty years ago back when Google sold it. I’m as old on YouTube as YouTube is. I hate to admit that I have 4,000 subscribers. It’s not like I have this crazy channel that’s off the roof and I’m making it huge.
You’re not Mr. Beast.
I’m not making any money from it. That’s not the reason or the purpose, but you ask an important question. My intention with my channel has always been what my issue was when I first started finding myself looking for information. There were many millions of places to go and what modality was going to be the one that I was going to use and glom onto?
What I’ve learned is there is never going to be one. Energy is everywhere and there are many different ways to read energy and it’s changing because look at where we are right now. We’re becoming more awake. We started to talk about this shift that everybody has been talking about. I’m editing a video right now. It’s already happened, and we’re coming out the other side. What do we even call it now? Is it ascension? Is it being awake? Is it the shift? There are no words to describe where we’re heading.
For me, my purpose, my calling, my everything, and what I spend hours a week focused on is meeting people like you who have a platform that’s about helping others connect and do the work of healing to raise the vibration, who are light workers. I want to glom onto all of them. I want all of us to stop seeing it as Chris is the medium, Jeannie is Reiki, and this person does chakras. I think the shift has come because we’re all willing to work together as one community and we’re all doing the same work. We might have different ways of doing it, but our purpose is all the same. It’s to ascend, to change consciousness, to work together, and to stop dividing. Unity.
Also, to bring everybody else along with us.
Not to quote anybody who has been using the word “unity” right now, but what a great word if it wasn’t spoken by some people who were using it. I’m not going to go political on you, but unity is where that higher vibration is. That is what I’m led to. That’s why I’m connected to you and will continue to promote anybody. I spend hours doing my videos so I can promote somebody else on my channel. That’s the focus.
You’ve got a great point. I think all people who are in any way some form of a lightworker, whether it’s an energy worker, any kind of healing, spiritual, reiki, or anything. It’s all of our common mission to try to raise the vibration and spiritual awareness of humanity. As we are trying to ascend and to help others, it’s almost like we’re trying to create this magnetic attraction to bring everybody else with us.
We’re only as evolved as the last person in the room, who is struggling and still having a hard time. We have to bring them in and not convince them, but raise consciousness completely.
We can raise their self-awareness if nothing else.
My family was in town because of somebody who was getting ready to transition. I had a renovation done in my house and I saw my job as making it the most Zenfull experience when they came to the door. I had all the music playing Zen, all the rooms were turned down, and the lights were low. I had Sage burning.
We did yoga and meditation together. The entire time they were here, I didn’t say anything. I provided the atmosphere so they could feel a little bit better in an unsettled moment with what was going on in their life. That’s it. Held the space. That’s a great way to say it because that’s probably a nice way to say that or wrap that up. Our job is to hold space for others so that they can come into this space and transition to wherever the great spaces we’re working hard to get to.
It’s like my guides are wrapping me in my head as I talk about this. That’s the whole definition of the medium in the middle. Not only are we the medium or the conduit that spirit uses, but we are medium, not high, not low. We’re in the middle to connect spirit, the high vibration, humanity, and the Earth planet.
I love that definition of it and I love the conversation. It all seems like exactly what we intend to do at this moment and I love that. There is so much more to say. We could go on for hours.
I’m sure we will. You can’t shut us up. When you begin to think about trying to reach out to one person, what would you say would be your biggest recommendation to a person who is tuning in to this based on what we’ve been talking about?
When you say one person, they were going to start somewhere or a modality?
Advice To Listeners
For any listener, what would be your recommendation whether it’s trying to ascend, trying to increase our vibration, or trying to raise a modality?
When you say that, I could be mishearing your question, but what comes to mind when you ask where is the world or what people need and how could you be of service to them if you were going to guide them in any direction right now? I’m reminded about COVID, which was this terrible thing.
COVID for us, the spiritual people, for working online, for connecting with people all over the world, and for not having to be in these containers, where I do this and you do that and we’re competing. No, we’re not. COVID did something for me in the fact that it shifted. First off, I was able to rest because I couldn’t leave my house.
People were whining and upset before COVID because they needed a break, they were stretched, work was making them work hard, they had to be in a thousand places, and all of a sudden, the world imploded and we had to be quiet, work from home, we had to narrow our scope of how many people we were touching, and wear masks. I’m not saying any of it was good, please.
Don’t get in the comments section and say, “Where have I been for the last five years.” I have been right there with you, but coming out the other side, what I recognize is how tired I was, and also saying to myself and others that I’m supporting that I’m not going to go there. I am decluttered, I am cleaning out, I am very mindful of what’s important, and the relationships that I have are tighter than they’ve ever been.
I’m not spreading myself thin. I am meditating, I am sleeping, and I am eating better. I have made a conscious choice in all that unhealthiness that’s been out there in the world with all the division to pull it back in, get quiet with myself, and create my own space to be and love my own company. That’s what I would say to people. If you’re searching for all of it outside of you, you’re going to be looking for quite a while.
Pull in, get good with yourself, and find a better community to connect with so that when you are with yourself, you know that you need to be out. You can’t wait to be out because those people mean the world to you. I’m surrounded by everything that matters to me, including my friends. Some of them did have to leave by the way. I’m okay with that. Goodwill has a portion of my materials right now and I don’t know where the other people are, but it’s all okay. It feels a lot more manageable and I’m going to hold that close.
That’s great. What you touch on is amazing. You’re talking about how COVID had this unification process that we came out the other side without realizing it, even though some people are still saying that there’s such division outside. It reminds me of a trance session that I was in where one of the mediums went into trance.
His guide came through and specifically, he was asking about COVID. Why are we having this? He intentionally went into that. His guides came through and said, “First off, we wouldn’t give you something we know you would not be able to handle.” Secondly, the guide stated that the world was too divided.
Say that word again, “Too divided.”
The guide was saying, “The world is too divided. Everybody is off by themselves. You’re going to self-destruct if you’re all divided in and alone. We’re trying to give you an experiment, an exercise that’s forcing you to come together as one.” Look at what happened. Look at where we are now.
I like that. I love that. It feels like that. I think that’s what’s happening. Certainly, that’s what our intention is. The lightworkers right here in Sarasota have been talking about taking down the silos and working as one universal group and showing up to support different events that are happening spiritually. It’s taking place and I love it.
Episode Wrap-Up
As I said, spirit has always a way of doing things. We may think it’s backward, upside down, and reverse, but it’s working. Do we have any other wonderful thoughts you want to tell people?
I feel complete. I was excited to be on your show and get to know you better. I feel that I’ve known you in editing longer than I have one-on-one. It’s nice to see your face moving instead of clipping. This has all been so good.
I’m glad my face is moving too. I start to get a little bit concerned. Jeannie, where can people get in contact with you? How can they reach out to you?
If anyone wants to do a sample session with me, play intuitively, or learn more about intuition, I always ask people to subscribe to my YouTube channel. That is the core of my work and where most of my media and my message is sent. If you’d to talk to me directly, write through email at Jelila63@Gmail.com and I will respond.
Jeannie, thank you so much for being on. This was truly a pleasure connecting with you again.
Thank you, Chris. I appreciate you and the work that you do for others. I’ll see you on Facebook Live.
We’ll try to get that going again. Everybody, thank you very much for tuning in to this episode. That’s the end of this episode of Spirits Beside Us. I hope you got something from it. If you are enjoying this, make sure that you like and subscribe to the channel. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, by all means, write in. You can reach out on the blog, on the website, and what have you. With that, this is Chris sending you love and light. I will see you next Wednesday. Until later, bye for now.