Typically our Joy Guide is a loving Spirit Guide who has agreed to stay with us and help us throughout our physical journey in this life. They contracted with us when we were preparing to incarnate into this life so that we might always find happiness even in the worst of times. They're an uplifting source of energy that tries to boost our spirits when we're feeling glum or make us feel even better if we're just sort of "Ho-Hum." They help us enjoy our physical life and bring opportunities in our path that help bring feelings of happiness and love.
Joy Guides more often than not appear to us as a young child (often a little girl), symbolizing youthful energy, innocence, happiness, joy (obviously), fun, bubbly effervescence, etc. Imagine all the traits of a happy young child, and that is your Joy Guide wrapped into a package. Think of Tinker Bell, Peter Pan or any other young happy fantasy character and you begin to understand what a Joy Guide can do and what it does.
For the longest time I was aware there were Joy Guides and that everyone had one, but I was frustrated that I hadn't met mine yet. I knew I was often surrounded by Spirit Guides because I often felt warm tingly sensations. These are the classic signs of Spirit Guides. My problem was I didn't know which Guide was causing the tingling sensations, so I finally decided to try and figure it out.
It slowly dawned on me that every time I had these particular sensations, they were in the exact same place every time--on my upper arms/shoulder joints. It was kind of like a calling card. I thought back and began to think what feelings were associated with those sensations. Every time I had those sensations, a big smile crossed my face. Thus, I figured it HAD to be my Joy Guide, since every time it was giving me that sensation I smiled and felt quite happy. When I realized that, a miraculous thing happened...I heard and saw my Joy Guide finally!
I suddenly heard (clairaudiently) a little girl start shouting "Yaaaaay!" I saw a little girl (clairvoyantly) do a back flip and balloons begin to quickly float up into the air like a party had started. When I asked what her name was, I also heard clairvoyantly (before I'd even finished the question) the name "Priscilla" in a little girl's voice. Definitely not a name I was expecting (or ever hear anymore), so I have no doubt it wasn't my imagination. Heck, it didn't even sound anything like my own voice. Perhaps rather eerily, when I Googled the word "joy" and looked for an image, the picture of the girl above immediately captured my attention as it looked uncannily like the girl I'd seen in my mind's eye. Gotta say this all sounds SOOOO far fetched it's difficult even for me to comprehend. But, that's the way Spirit works....
Now whenever I need a little sunshine in my life or a little pick-me-up, I just call on Priscilla and my whole outlook on the world feels like a warm sunny day in summer. It puts a big smile on my face. I'm smiling right now just writing this. Imagine the happy little girl in the picture above in your life...how could you not be happy? I think it's important for EVERYONE to meet their own Joy Guide so they can experience greater happiness in their life.
In one of my next posts, I'll talk more about how you can meet your own Joy Guide.