While Memorial Day is typically the start of summer with barbecues, beaches, and beer (always a fun combination, I'll admit), it's also a great opportunity to think about those who have gone before us, for we stand on the shoulders of giants. We would not have the freedoms, liberties or way of life we have today if the great generations before us (and those of the present) had not shown such courage and self-sacrifice. I can't help but stand in awe of them. I want to stand up and salute them in absentia. We owe our very lives to them.
"But how does this relate to the spirit world," you might wonder. It's actually very important for the families who may worry about the last moments of their loved one's life, especially if the passing was violent (as often happens in war). There is one constant I often hear from spirit and from many other light workers who have also connected with spirit. In times of a violent passing, the spirit is lifted out of the physical body just before the violent action occurs, sparing the person from the physical pain. You could say no one was home during the event, just the physical body.
Once the spirit gets to the other side, it's brought to the equivalent of a spirit hospital/rest-home, where the spirit receives the rest (and treatment) it deserves after what can be a surprising and rather shocking event. Think of this as a place where a spirit person can get his or her needed R&R, along with any needed therapy. There are dedicated spirit workers in these facilities whose only job is to give the highest degree of love and compassion to help heal the newly arrived. Since love and compassion is what's at the core of the spirit world, those in need receive incredible assistance.
What's also important to understand is those who have passed before us always want to get their messages back to us and let us know they're alright. They don't want their loving families worrying needlessly, since in fact they are doing very well on the other side. Would you? Since grief can often act as an emotional barrier to receiving spirit communication, spirits who want to get their messages to their loved ones in the physical, will often try very hard to get their attention. You can read more about this in my previous post, How Spirit Makes Itself Known: 10 Ways Spirit Tries to Connect.
For anyone who has lost a loved one serving our country, I take my hat off to you and say thank you. You have made a sacrifice that is just as meaningful as those who have passed. We who enjoy our liberties and freedoms owe a debt of gratitude to you and yours for everything you have done. Since your loved ones have made the ultimate sacrifice for us, we should always remember the huge price that has been paid. Therefore it should be fitting that there are memorials commemorating their service. God Bless You.