How to Share Loving Kindness All Year Long
Spiritual Living·Chris Lippincott·Dec 17, 2021· 4 minutes
It’s now the final stretch of the year, last-minute shopping is finally at hand and even a few late ornaments or decorations are getting put up. This is also the time of year when you really start to feel a little warmer towards everyone around you and a happy glow seems to fill the air (or is that too much eggnog?).

Yet the one thing that strikes me is how fleeting this all is. As a kid I wanted Christmas to last all year long (of course my parents just wanted me back in school). Why did I want Christmas to last all year? It was more than just presents. Just think of the smiles this time of year tends to place on everyone around you. 

Feel the joy that tends to emanate from even some of the glummest people. To me, I thought this joy, happiness and cheer was something that should stay here year round. Why should it only be limited to a few weeks of the year?

To understand what’s really occurring during this holiday season, you need to discover what’s driving all these good feelings. Underneath all this are distinct actions related to the intention of the season that cause you to experience these joyous and happy emotions. One is stronger than all of them.

Practice Loving Kindness

Everyone is practicing loving kindness during the holiday season, whether they realize it or not. When you give a gift to a friend or relative, you’re making a gesture of loving kindness. It doesn’t matter how close you are with that person, nor if there is family or romantic love involved. 

Spirit always discusses that true love stems from simple loving kindness. It’s not a big gesture, but instead it’s actually quite small and easy. This is an act that you make without expecting anything in return. It’s not difficult and it’s not burdensome. 

This is the true spirit of Christmas…giving. Giving of yourself, giving to others and sharing your loving kindness with everyone you can. Become truly holy. I’m not talking about becoming pious and overly righteous. I’m talking about just performing little actions that make this world a better place.

Help an elderly neighbor up the stairs. Pick up a newspaper for a friend. Pay for the coffee of the person behind you. Put a smile on a stranger’s face. Give a homeless person a piece of food or your spare change. To them it will mean a world of difference. All these little things hardly impact you. But to the recipients, these actions will be huge.

You Can Impact the World

Many people say they can’t make a difference in the world or they just don’t know how. By doing those simple actions, you can start making a difference in the world and the repercussions will be far greater than you realize. 

When you start to give a little bit of yourself and others begin to give a little of themselves in turn, this becomes an endless cycle that becomes exponentially large. Allow your magnificence to shine across the world when you don’t even realize your impact. 

Give of yourself and practice loving kindness all year round and you can make this world a better place.

I am taking the rest of this year off, so I will see you in 2022. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year. 

P.S. If you think your friends would benefit from this article, please share it with them.

Tags: charity, loving kindness, giving, Christmas, holidays, joy, happiness, spirit, living spiritually