You may immediately be thinking, "How can I do that given my busy schedule and hectic life?" I would respond and tell you that the busier and more hectic your life, the more you need to meditate and the more you need to connect with the spirit within yourself.
Perhaps you're now asking, "What is the spirit within?" The spirit within is the spiritual being that you truly are, temporarily housed in a physical body that you borrow for the period of your physical life.
As French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin once said, "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
You are a spiritual being that has come to this planet called Earth to further develop your spirit and accelerate your spiritual growth. You have re-enrolled in this "Earth School" where you can learn specific lessons to help you grow, and you'll keep re-enrolling until all the lessons your soul wants to learn are complete.
Think of this like grade school where you can't advance to the next grade until you've learned all the required lessons from the prior grade. The more lessons you learn, the higher you progress.
So why do you need to connect with the spirit within before you can connect with the spirit world? The spirit within is illuminated by the spark of The Love That Knows Know Bounds, Source Energy, the Godhead. Whatever name you're comfortable attaching to it.
It is this love that fills us with light, kindness, charity and empathy.
How do you connect with the spirit within? The best way you can connect with your inner spirit is by practicing the Sitting in the Power meditation. Allow yourself to sit comfortably and begin focusing on your breathing. Imagine a bright white light in your chest, quite small at first, that begins to grow and fill your entire body. This is your spark of the Divine.
See this light within your body as your spirit that glows so brightly it illuminates your room and everything in it. Soon, this light expands beyond your room and your house to surround the planet. Then, your light shines forth, like a beacon in the night sky, and rises beyond the stars.
Your light rises and attracts to it an even brighter light, that is attracted by your light. This is the Love That Knows No Bounds that comes to tenderly and gently envelop you in its arms. Feel its love and just allow yourself to surrender to the feeling of being loved and perfectly accepted. Allow yourself to connect with the Source of All Creation and receive its love and power.
After staying in this light for anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, slowly bring yourself back, very slowly, very gently. As you do, bring back this love and power from Source. Feel yourself returning to your body and softly wiggle your toes and fingers. Stretch and open your eyes. Welcome back.
This is the best way you can connect with your spirit within. Do this for up to 12 months daily, if only for 10 minutes at a time, for the consistency is the most important aspect to this. By the end of 12 months, you’ll be very much aware of spirit, and you will have become more spiritually inclined. I hope this helps you. Please let me know.
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Tags: spirit, soul, God, Source, meditation, non-physical senses, Gordon Higginson, living spiritually, spiritual experience