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Fill Your Soul With Love

fill your soul with love
Recently I've been reading the Padgett Messages, which are an absolutely fascinating and magnificent example of automatic writing from spirit. They were written by the hand of James E. Padgett between 1914 and 1923. The overarching theme and understanding you take away from the messages is nothing short of earth-shattering and substantially alters your perspective on life. As you read this, please also keep in mind, that the 2nd half of my writing (I realize in retrospect) seems to have been somewhat influenced by spirit. 

James Padgett was a Washington D.C. lawyer who lost his wife Helen in 1914 when she was 51 years old. After his wife's passing, Padgett began to attend Spiritualist groups in an effort to receive any word or information about or from his wife via platform readings or at seances.

At one meeting, he received word that he had mediumistic capabilities and would soon begin receiving information from his wife in spirit (and others) via automatic writing. He began practicing and developing his automatic writing skills, though this was slow since he continued to work as an attorney.

Nevertheless, in 1914 Padgett began receiving messages from his wife Helen who had to overcome James' disbelieving lawyer mind. She described her life in the spirit world, what her passing felt like, who else was in spirit with her, what other people were like in spirit, the different levels in the afterlife, how people evolve in the spirit world, spiritual lessons and so much more. 

What's so unique about the Padgett messages (all 3,000 of them) is that they include messages from so many different and historically important people and were written over such a long time frame (1914-1923). These communicators range from Padgett's family members (parents, grandparents, wife), a former school professor, a former legal partner, many ordinary spirits, ancient spirits, high-level spirits, famous historical spirits, to Jesus Himself (a large portion of the messages actually come from Jesus). There are hundreds of different spirits that came through and offered their views of the spirit world. For anyone remotely interested in learning what the spirit world is like and how it operates from first-hand accounts, the Padgett Messages are a critical resource.

What the messages amount to is nothing short of an amazing revelation from Jesus (and all the spirits who come through and confirm His statements) indicating that we should all be seeking God's Divine Love to benefit our souls and grow closer to God. "What is Divine Love and how do we get it?" I asked myself. This question I found rather surprising as soon as I asked it, since I'd never seen myself as especially religious or honestly open to God despite my spiritual beliefs (the institutional Church caused me to distrust everything). In fact, I feel rather uncomfortable discussing it openly here, since these issues are so personal in nature, and I'm always leery of offending sensitive minds. Nevertheless, as I began contemplating the ramifications of Jesus' statements, I found myself questioning many things. This was an entirely new platform in my long spiritual journey--really a seismic shift for me. I've always felt that God is Love, but this added a whole new perspective to that thought.

Jesus and the many spirits that speak clearly outline that the Seventh Sphere, A.K.A. the "Celestial Heavens", is only open to those souls that have been filled with and transformed by God's Divine Love. This can be given to us in response to repeated earnest prayers from deep within our hearts. We don't need to be overly holy, pious, monk-like church mice. We just need to fill our hearts and souls full of love for God and for others. The Divine Love not only purifies our soul, but it also transforms it into the essence of the Creator. In this light, we become aware of and in possession of immortality. We essentially transform from an image of divinity to a divine soul filled with God's Divine Love. Jesus says this is the spiritual evolution or "metamorphasis" to the highest sphere.

I next found myself asking, "Okay, how do I do this correctly, and how long is it going to take?" The Messages don't make this abundantly clear and the spirits remain rather vague about the time frame. However, there is a fascinating message that came through in 1999 in response to that very question from someone in California. Part of the message is below:

The lack of love that is present within your soul and mind that causes you to doubt and fear, will be healed with such subtlety that it becomes absorbed by the greater presence of the love and the change will occur over a time, so that you may not even notice it. This change will become noticeable to you as you begin to feel free from the limitations of negative thoughts and feelings and you employ the qualities of love and faith more in your actions toward yourself and others. I say this to you so you may understand that this metamorphosis is a process that is not obvious by the observation of the mere five senses, it is a quiet process that only the soul of the child and the Father are aware of. 

The main takeaway I've learned is that the more Divine Love that enters your soul, the greater happiness and joy you will experience in your life, regardless of the externalities and circumstances that are present. Apparently, James E. Padgett didn't achieve the complete soul transformation during his lifetime on Earth. However, the Padgett Messages clearly indicate that he did achieve it within two years and three months after passing into spirit.

We learn this since Padgett continued communicating after he reached the spirit world to his co-worker Eugene Morgan in 1923 and through others as recently as 2019. On July 1, 1925, Padgett detailed that he had finally reached the Seventh Sphere and lived with his wife Helen, his grandmother, Jesus, and numerous others. This suggests it is very possible to achieve atonement with God in relatively short order. In fact, some people have indicated they have had their souls filled with God's Divine Love while still in the physical--quite a miraculous achievement.

If I was to summarize everything from above, I'd say increase your loving thoughts, fill your soul with love, spread love to others as we are all connected, and pray to God with fervent desire from deep within your heart to fill your soul with HIs Divine Love. At the least, you will achieve an increased feeling of joy and happiness, with the upside potential of gaining something we all secretly wish for: atonement with God.


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