What Does Spirit Do In The Afterlife?
Everlasting LIfe·Chris Lippincott·May 23, 2024· 24 minutes


In this episode, Chris Lippincott explores the spirit world and what it’s like to be a spirit. He explains that the spirit realm is solid and a continuation of life on Earth but without deterioration. Spirits can move freely using thought and have heightened senses in the non-physical world. They feel more alive and awake than they did on Earth. Spirits engage in various activities, including helping others, expanding their knowledge, creating works of art, and pursuing spiritual growth. They can see and interact with the physical world and have a life review to learn and improve.

Have you ever asked what’s the spirit world like or perhaps, what does the spirit do in the afterlife? In this episode, this is part two of our examination of the spirit world. Stay tuned.

What Does Spirit Do In The Afterlife?

Welcome to the show. I’m so glad you’re joining us. We’re going to be taking a look into the spirit world discussing all about it, what’s it like to be a spirit there, or what is spirit doing in the spirit world. Unlike what many believe, spirit is quite solid and the spirit realm itself is also quite solid. It’s just a continuation of our life on the physical plane or the Earth school if you will.

The only difference is that in the spirit realm, nothing deteriorates. Everything continues to live. Everything is continual energy. It’s perpetual summertime. There is no ego. It’s pure love and there is no degradation of anything in the spirit world. A person is able to move freely using thought to go from place to place. It’s not so much physical movement like we have on the Earth.

Clearly, people, when they arrive, have to get used to their non-physical senses and their ability to move from place to place using thought and they’ll start out with their physical senses. They’ll start out trying to walk, listen, and see with what they thought were their physical senses. They’re like, “I can’t do this.” They quickly realize that they have to shift and they have these other abilities that are quite present. They’re like, “I had these other senses that I can start to utilize now,” and they quickly learn that.

Also, those people who are around them, both their greeters, as well as their spirit family, begin to teach them quite quickly how to utilize those new senses. When they want to go from one place to another, they use their thoughts. That’s the power of their thought because if you realize that thought is something that’s very powerful, both in the physical as well as in the non-physical. We begin to open up entirely new possibilities.

As Buddha once said, “All that we are is a result of what we have thought.” The thought is very powerful. What comes through quite often is spirit often tells us that they feel so much more alive than they were on the Earth. They often comment that with the transition, they feel like they’re waking up from perhaps a bad dream. They look back and go, “I’m finally awake. This feels so much better. That was an uncomfortable dream. I’m glad to be done with that.” They feel like they’ve finally woken up.

As Buddha once said, all that we are is a result of what we have thought. So, thought is very powerful.

The example that often comes through is on Earth, we’ve been walking through this dark warehouse. We’re carrying this little flashlight with a very narrow beam of light so we can only see where that tiny beam of light is going. We have to follow that tiny little beam of light. We can’t see beyond it and the side of it. All we can see is that weak little beam of light then, all of a sudden, the lights in that warehouse get turned on brightly and you can see 360 degrees in every direction.

Suddenly, everything is a kaleidoscope of colors. You can see everywhere. You see colors that you’ve never even known existed before. This beautiful broad range of different bands of colors that are visceral with different hues that we never knew existed. If you’re hearing music and sounds that you were never aware of before. Things that are going on. It begins to underscore the dichotomy between these two worlds, the physical world and the non-physical world.

It also shows us that there is a dramatically heightened sensitivity when we enter the non-physical world because if you notice when we’re in the physical world, our senses are rather dull. We’re used to our main physical senses, touch, hearing, and seeing. When we go into the non-physical arena, we notice that our sensations and our sensitivity to everything are much more heightened. We detect that much more that’s available and around us. That’s why we’re able to detect all these different new colors and all these different new sounds. Everything is so much more rich and bountiful and far beyond what we could ever imagine.

What we also are noticing is that spirit, when they arrive, they’re starting to realize that they much prefer to help others around them rather than being so focused on themselves. They get pleasure. They derive pleasure from helping each other. One example would be quite often when spirit transitions, they’ll have a greeter or series of greeters greet them as you might expect when they arrive to help them acclimate and understand where they are.

Activities And Pursuits In The Spirit World

What they often do is they’ll learn to be a greeter themselves because they want to pay it forward. They want to do what they receive. They’re like, “That felt so good to me. I want to go and help them.” They learn how to be greater than themselves. Another common question that we often hear is, “What is the spirit doing in the spirit world? Are they sitting around? Are they playing harps? Are they relaxing? Are they waiting? Are they in a hospital? What’s going on? What is spirit doing?”

There’s one reading I can think of. For example, when a wise-cracking son was coming through to his mother in reading, he said, “What do you think? I’m not up here eating bonbons and playing harp. We’re all doing a lot of work.” The mother just laughed and said, “That sounds exactly like what my son was saying.” It was so true because they’re always coming through and letting us know that they’re always filled with work. They’re always doing so many things that their time as we would know it, but not they would know it. Their activities are always filled. It’s endless, they’re constantly doing.

They’re also seeking to actively improve themselves quite often. They are looking to increase the amount of love and kindness that they have. They’re learning about love and kindness, trying to increase their vibration and raise the loving kindness that they can learn to give other people. Quite often, spirit is learning ways that they can expand their knowledge, learning, and perhaps their literature, whether that’s through medicine or art or music or writing or science or whatever it happens to be. They want to improve what they already have.

Quite often, the spirit is learning ways to expand its knowledge, its learning, and perhaps its literature, whether that's through medicine, art, music, writing, science, or whatever it happens to be. This is driven by a desire to improve what it

Quite frequently, they’re letting us know that they are continuing to do what they love in the physical. Let’s say, for example, they were a scientist on Earth. They continue to be a scientist in the non-physical and continue to study great works of science or they’re a musician. They continue to be a wonderful musician of some kind and continue to drum up beautiful works of music. It’s so much more accentuated. They’re constantly learning and expanding.

They’ll try to improve themselves by learning how to help others. Help both those who are around them in the non-physical, as well as try to help those who are in the non-physical who need spiritual healing and help. As a result, they are also following a more spiritual route. If you’re trying to understand source energy or great spirit or God, whatever name you want to refer to it as, they’re trying to go that spiritual route so they can become greater than they were and help more people.

Many times, what we understand is that spirit is trying to continue to give great works as they gave it when they were in the physical. Quite often, you’ll hear about spirit come through in automatic writing and subscribing that they’re creating these new works or they’re having these incredible new discoveries. For example, the scientists I was talking about. They’ll share those new works of music or literature or art or science with people on Earth who perhaps might be a little bit more receptive. They’re often inspiring humans as they share their knowledge with them.

In fact, the Latin word inspirare is the designation and the derivative of inspire. Inspirare means literally to blow into or to breathe upon. That’s what spirit’s been doing. It’s blowing into the minds of these humans everything that they know. Whether it’s new science or new music or new works of art. When you think about the great masters, whether it’s Mozart or Michelangelo or Da Vinci or Picasso or Raphael or Tesla or Edison or Franklin. All those people who you would naturally think, “These people were great. They had incredible amounts of either knowledge or skill or things that far surpassed anybody else.”

They all had unusual inspirations. They had that inspiration from sources that they couldn’t define. They said, “I am inspired and I don’t know where it’s coming from.” We know it’s coming from spirit. Inspirare, they were breathing in these ideas into the recipients like I’m a Mozart or a Tesla or Edison. That’s what was so amazing.

Also, we hear about spirit-building things for the sheer joy of it. Maybe they’ll build a beautiful structure of some kind. They’ll create an amazing, beautiful structure that’s giant. Made of all these wonderful materials that we couldn’t possibly have on Earth just for the joy of it and for the sheer pleasure of it. Once they’re done, they’ll take it down and build something else like a child. Think of a child when they’re in their room. They’ve got all these building blocks and they’re focused on the building blocks. They’re putting them all together like, “This is great,” and they finally finish that giant building they’ve been making with those building blocks. They enjoy it and they’re like, “That’s beautiful.”

What do they do? Eventually, they tear it down, start over, and build something else. They keep on doing that over and over again. Why do they do that? Not necessarily for the accomplishment, but for the joy of making it, of what they can create, and the joy of doing. They love creating. It’s the sheer pleasure and the joy of doing. They do it for the pleasure. This endless pleasure. For example, they may do gardening. Let’s say somebody is an avid gardener and they couldn’t get enough of gardening in the physical.

That desire and that passion for gardening, maybe in the spirit world they are doing these incredible gardens endlessly working on the garden because they love to work on the garden. It’s not because they have to. It’s not because somebody told them to do it. It’s because they love gardening and you’ll see people working on these immaculate gardens. These incredible gardens. Things that you wouldn’t do otherwise, but they’re doing it for the sheer joy of it just because they like it. It’s something they can do.

It continues on again with the idea of the structure. They’ll build the structure because they enjoy it. They’ll tear it down, start over, and do something else. It’s like a child. That same example. They’re going to continue to do these activities that they enjoyed on Earth. Whether they’re displaying it through music or art. Maybe theater or writing or literature of some kind. They’re going to continue to do what they enjoy.

Quite often what we hear about is that you’ll have these classical works that are often displayed through either music. Say for example, it could be with these great choirs directed by the original composers. For example, Mozart or Bach, one of his great symphonies. He could be directing one of these great symphonies live in person because he can or perhaps, you’ll have these incredible works of art. You’ll see Michelangelo sculpting or Picasso painting live. It’s all happening in real time.

You’ll see historic plays, for example, directed by the original playwrights themselves. Perhaps, you’ll get a Shakespeare directing the play or you’ll get some of the historic actors acting in the plays themselves, if the play was about an historic figure. Maybe that historic figure is in the play. It’s one of the actual original actors in that play. You’ll also see incredible masterpieces or gardens because it’s the pleasure of what they do.

Another thing we’ve heard about from spirit is that they, in fact, do eat, but not in the same way that we do. They consume food for the sheer pleasure of the food they taste. They imbibe with their senses. It’s not because they’re hungry. They’ll have unusual fruit, for example. They’ll have these incredible senses of what the fruit tastes like. It’s so beautiful, this incredible sense of this delectable fruit that we might not have in the physical.

They will continue to imbibe the beautiful sensation of what the fruit is like. That’s how they’re consuming. Not in the energy. Not for the fact that they have to consume food but just because they want to have the senses. What’s also so interesting is that spirit will sometimes, after all their great activities, feel that they’d like to have a rest. Maybe they’d like to have a place where they want to relax because they get a little bit tired from their work.

They’ll lie down not because they need sleep but because they want to relax. They want to rest. After they lie down and they rest for a little while, they’re all refreshed and everything is good to go. That’s come through in countless automatic writings where that’s the only reason they would have a bed. It’s to relax and to enjoy themselves to say, “I’m going to take a break and that feels wonderful.” There’s no need for sleep. It’s merely the concept of getting refreshed.

Another thing that comes through all the time is to know that spirit is always here. They’re always alive and to know that you’re family and friends who have gone before you, the love is still there. The energy is still there. When you get to the spirit world, you meet them when you arrive. That’s what is so consistent in all these writings and all the readings I give. They’re always coming through and letting us know that “I’m going to be there. I’m here for you. We’re still connected. The bond is still there. We’ve never left. The bond has never been broken. I’m always with you.”

The spirit is always here. It's always alive. The energy and love of family and friends who have gone before you are still there.

What’s so amazing is that the personality that comes through remains the same when they’re in the spirit realm like when they’re on Earth. It’s a permanent soul idea if you will. That personality is always the same. Their manneristic discussions and entire being remain exactly the same because it’s that bond of love that is always going to enable you to reconnect. It’s a visceral tight bond that will always be there.

That energy is always magnetic. You’ll always become more aware of loved ones as part of your soul family. It’s very similar to when you are part of a greater existence or a greater group. When you arrive, you arrive home to that greater soul family. It’s a family that you may not have even realized that you had because we’re all traveling in groups of this soul family. At that point, you are all working together, trying to evolve together. You’re trying to support each other.

It’s very similar to a band of actors who are constantly taking on different roles. It’s very similar to the saying that, “Earth is like a stage.” In fact, Shakespeare had a great quote. He said, “The world is a stage and we are merely actors upon it.” Something like that. I’m butchering the quote, but that’s the whole concept. We are merely actors on the stage. We’re all playing different roles and different costumes as we go through our different incarnations.

Every time we reincarnate, we’re playing a different role. We’re playing a different costume and we’re interacting with each other in different ways. That’s what’s so incredible. For example, in one play, you might be a mother. In another play, you might be a father or a child or a grandparent. You might be the ice cream man or the boss. They’re constantly playing different roles so that both you and the other person can learn.

Every time we reincarnate, we're playing a different role. We put on a different costume and interact with each other in different ways.

The whole concept is learning here, growth, and expansion. Every role is taken on to help the other spear learn and grow. That way, you’re able to both grow because there’s a vital interest where you both want to have that growth continue. For example, maybe you came as a mother of a son who passed early. Maybe the son agreed to leave early and transitioned early so that you, the mother, could learn what it’s like to go through that experience and grow from that experience. It’s quite intentional that you’re learning and growing. It may feel horrible and abysmal, or your heart is being wrenched out, but you are growing.

The whole point of growth is to know that growth is uncomfortable. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be growing. You’d be staying in exactly the same place. Also, the mother would be teaching the son different things as the son goes through his different roles and different incarnations. There’s that interrelation of what’s happening. There’s a constant play of what’s happening.

What’s also quite so interesting is people are always asking, “Can people see who is in the spirit world? Do they know what we’re doing on Earth? Can they see what we’re doing in the physical plane?” The answer is yes because spirit is following us and what we’re doing on Earth. They can still hear our thoughts. They’re especially feeling our thoughts. They know what we’re doing. They’re still interacting with us. They can see what you’re doing, where you’re living in life, where you’re going, and what’s happening.

How do we know this? We know this by the fact that spirits come through in all these readings and they’re giving proof of survival because they describe what they see you doing. Oftentimes, a communicator will come through and describe exactly what the sitter was doing that day or that week. I can remember one communicator came through. I think it was a husband who came through for the wife.

The husband was describing the wife’s jeep. She had gotten a flat tire and the husband in spirit was describing everything that he was seeing the wife doing and dealing with. Everything that was going on, the color of the jeep, and whatever wheel it was that had the flat tire. He was going through and giving all of this detail to show the wife, “Yes, I’m still here. I can still see what’s going on in your life.” Other times, there’ll be people who come through and they say, “I love what you’ve done with a living room. You’ve repainted it, redecorated it, and added all these different things.”

They get into incredible detail about what they’re seeing. Oftentimes, they’ll even give me a remote viewing and I’ll describe what I’m seeing or what they’re displaying. The sitter is like, “I can’t believe they’re giving you that information.” They’re going through constantly and letting us know that that’s what’s happening. Oftentimes, you’ll also hear about the communicator coming through and saying, “I saw you going through the family photo album. I saw you come to my picture, take it out, and hold the photo to you. It made me feel wonderful that you were connecting with me in that photo.”

Countless times they’re constantly recollecting what they’ve seen you do or they will come through other times. I can remember a loved one coming through and they were saying, “I have been hearing your thoughts about you saying X, Y, and Z to me.” The person was like, “I can’t believe he heard that.” It’s endless. It’s constant. They’re very much with us and they’re very much connecting with us.

The Life Review: Learning And Improving

Another question I often get is, does spirit go through some phase? Do they go through some life review after transition? What’s it like? What’s that experience like? What is the life review like? I’d say yes, they do go through the life review. Every spirit does have a life review, but it’s not until after they’ve got acclimated to the spirit world for obvious reasons, because they have to forget their foothold, if you will. Their understanding, their terra firma, for lack of a better phrase. It’s not exactly firma, but they have to get their acclimation first before they can go through that review.

The spirit world is someplace that it’s nothing that is a matter of love. It’s a very brief review of every single action that spirit has taken in the previous life. It’s like an entire flash. It’s a movie, if you will, of the person’s entire life, but it’s an instantaneous flash that goes before them. They see every single action that they took in their life from birth until death. It’s like they’re on a movie screen and they see everything at once flying before them.

The whole purpose of the review is so they can learn how they could have done better or what they did well or areas of improvement or how they could have lived a better life or what things they should have done to have a more improved life. This certainly is very important. I’ll refer to it as a 360-degree view of their life. Not only do they feel what it feels like of their own actions and they recall the feeling of that action, but they’re also feeling the action from the perception of the person who was on the receiving end of that action.

There from the perception and the perspective of the recipient. The greatest example I can give is an example of a hitman who used to work for the mob and came through in automatic writing. He described his life review. It was going along well until he started having all these experiences of the pain that he caused. Not only did he know what he did but he had to step into the shoes of the recipients, the family members, and everybody that he affected.

He explained the agony that he went through as he viscerally experienced the pain that he caused from the perspective of those who went through that pain. He said he was screaming in agony and begged them to stop because it was so painful. He couldn’t bear it because of all the assassinations and killings that he had done. He finally understood what it meant to be on the receiving end. That was a huge change for him.

Now, there is no type of judgment. Everybody thinks, “Am I going to be judged by some higher power?” You’re not going to be judged because you are your own worst judge. You are your own most critical judge that you could ever be. You’re going to judge yourself far more harshly than anybody else possibly could. After you go through that life review, you’re in a completely different place. You’re in a completely different perspective and a different mindset.

If you judge yourself far more harshly than anybody else ever possibly could. The same thing happens on Earth. The difference is when you’re in the spirit world because you have no ego. You’re not protected. It’s all raw. It’s all there and you’ve got nothing to hide behind. You are there front center and you can’t hide behind and say, “That’s not me. I’m going to show my false self.” You’re showing your true self and you have to deal with that. That’s what’s so amazing.

Again, the whole purpose of that light review is to show you how you could change, how you could improve, and what are the things that you can do next time in your next life so that you can live a better life in your next incarnation in the physical. That’s what we were talking all about. I hope this was wonderful. I’m so glad that you joined us.

Preview Of Next Episode: The Science Behind Spirit

Thank you so much for joining us. I hope you enjoyed this episode. There should be a lot of detail on the website, If you want information, you’ll go to the website links for that. I’d love it if you tune into the next episode because we’re going to be talking about something great. We’re going to be talking about the science behind spirit, the non-physical world, and behind consciousness. We’re going to dive deep into the science using the field of quantum physics.

Don’t worry, I won’t get so deep that you can’t understand it. We’ll use the basic fundamental principles of quantum physics to examine how spirit and how survival of consciousness is truly possible. In fact, what’s so interesting is that it was quantum physics that finally got me to go from the skeptical and logical mindset over to the non-physical understanding. That’s what bridged me. It’s going to be helpful, I hope for you.

I’ll explain that I’m no scientist but that’s going to be a great episode. Also, let me know what topics you’d love to have or love to hear about. If you have any questions, drop me a line. You can reach out to me on Spirits Beside Us. I look forward to the next episode. Until then, this is Chris signing off. I’m sending you love and light. Bye for now.