They in fact have just transformed from a state of physical existence to a state of non-physical existence. The energy form that existed previously, the consciousness, is very much alive, as energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change form (thank you, Albert Einstein).
I often compare this to the transformation that occurs when a caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly. Did the caterpillar die? No, it just shed its cocoon and changed form to become a gorgeous insect with wings. This is similar to what happens when we humans shed our earthly bodies.
We humans are vibrant electrical energy (spirit) housed in human bodies that have come to learn specific lessons in the earth school. We often search for greater meaning and ask, “why am I here?” That would be like asking the teacher for the answers on the test in the lesson you were studying. If you knew the answers how could you learn?
Once we have learned our lessons here on earth and our spiritual mission has been accomplished, our higher self then determines it is time to return home to our spirit family. At this point, the Astral body or Etheric Double finally disconnects from the several Chakra points that held it to the human body (often considered primarily the Solar Plexus chakra) and evolves into a more rarified form to merge with its spiritual family.
Upon being greeted by its loved ones in spirit, the newly arrived spirit receives a warm and loving homecoming reception, much like a party or family parade. If its departure from earth was sudden or unexpected (such as in an accident), then the new spirit may be taken by its guides to the equivalent of a rest home or hospital for recovery and rest. Everyone in the spirit world is well aware of the scheduled arrival of the new spirit (regardless of how it arrived) and treats him with vast amounts of love. All spirits, once they have acclimated to their new world, are still aware of their family back on earth, for it is the love that connects them and that is heightened when they reach the spirit world.
It is this love that comes through in readings so strongly to sitters left behind. First, spirit wants to make sure the sitter clearly understands and fully believes they in fact are hearing from their dearly departed loved one. As a result, they provide tremendous amounts of evidential information that only they and the sitter could know, to prove their afterlife existence to the sitter. Once the relationship has been clearly established, they send their message of love, forgiveness or apology to the sitter. During the initial transition to spirit, they have a life review and see for themselves how they could have lived a better life. We judge ourselves more harshly than any other person ever could.
Make no mistake, spirit is not up in heaven playing harps and eating bon-bons. They are quite active improving themselves and learning many things, especially since they have no limitations or ego anymore. Spirit is also following what we do here on earth. They can hear our thoughts, see what we do and how we live our lives. They only what is best for us. Quite often they are trying to pass messages to us, but we just don’t hear them or detect them. We may sense them in dreams, though even those can be fleeting if not done correctly.
Examples of spirit trying to get our attention include, getting an unexpected idea in our head out of the blue, getting a gut feeling in our stomach (intuition), hearing our name or a sound when there is no one else around, electronics acting very unusually for no good reason (that’s spirits’ favorite since THEY are electric), getting a tingling feeling or sensing someone is nearby but not seeing anyone, seeing a flash or image out of the corner of your eye but having it disappear when you turn to look at it, or objects falling over or moving by themselves. These are just some of the typical ways spirit tries to catch our attention. Never again think that spirit has left you or is not around, for spirit is always around us sending us their love.